

I haven’t blogged since February! I am the definition of a slacker I suppose.
March: Back in March I turned 21! I am getting so old! L My mom came down for the day on my birthday to take me shopping, went to lunch with her, Courtnie, Cami and their babies. We tried for Iggys but the power went out (it was EXTREMELY windy this day) so we headed over to Chiles. After that I went to work then went to Applebees (I think you could say I have an addiction to that place) and after that a few people came over for some shots! Had to bring 21 in the right way! (don’t worry mom, it was only soda.) In March I also went to Disney on Ice which was obviously...magical! 
April: Nothing of importance happened during April that comes to mind, except for the fact that the semester finally came to an end, which is always an exciting point in a semester! Working at the testing center also came to an end until Fall semester starts back up. 

May: Right after finals my family headed to California for a little, much needed, vacation. In true fashion we started off at Disneyland. This was the babies (and Austins) first time, but sadly some of the more fun rides were down, like Indiana Jones and Pirates of the Caribbean. Not to mention there wasn’t even Fantasmic and Fireworks. We did get to see World of Color though, something I think even the babies loved! I was pretty bummed BUT I was still in Disneyland so it was a blast. Dillon got the Hidden Mickey book so we had a blast trying to find all the hidden mickeys throughout the park. After two days we drove down to San Diego where our first stop was the San Diego Temple then the Mormon Battalion. The Temple was gorgeous and learning more about the Mormon Battalion was pretty interesting. The next day we went to the Zoo, which was so large, and so hot, but pretty cool. Then the following day we hit up the USS Midway and then the beach. I enjoyed both greatly. The Midway was so interesting and fun to learn about and then I just wished I lived at the beach. Then that night some of us headed to a Padres game, which was tons of fun, and we even made it on the jumbo tron! Our last full day in California we went to Sea World. Shamu is so cute, I wish I could take one home and keep it in my bathtub or something. Then what felt like too soon it was time to return to reality and go home. If I had things my way I would have headed back to Disneyland. 

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