
2013 Recap

I am honestly so shocked that 2013 is already to an end, and I am really quite sad about it. I have LOVED 2013. Honestly one of my all time favorite years.
2013 recap:
Moved across the country to where I didn't know a single person
Worked in Fantasyland at Magic Kingdom
Made life long friendships with people from all around the word
Pixie Dusted Suri Cruise while chatting with Katie Holmes
Survived my ghetto apartment
Survived the murderer in Vista Way
Survived my alcoholic roommates in Vista Way. [Good thing I love them! :)]
Basically I survived Vista Way
Working until 3 AM or 14 hour long shifts
Met my Australian soulmate
Breathed the same air as One Direction
3/5 of One Direction learned of my existence (Niall, Harry, and Liam)
Started another year at UVU
Kelbs came home from his mission

Basically the reason 2013 was so fantastic was because of my Disney adventure and my One Direction experience. I'm not sure how the heck 2014 can top this year but i'm excited to see!


Family Christmas Letter 2013

It's that time again. The year has come to an end and the annual Christmas letter from the Packers is here. Courtnie wrote the letter this year and she did such a great job! Soo..without further wait here it is....

Christmas time has come once more,
For this reason we leave this at your door.
We want to give you some holiday cheer,
For those of you far and near.

This year we’ve been through a lot,
Lucky for you, we like to talk.
In this Christmas letter,
Read on to know us better.

Darci is a freshman at Utah State
She is having lots of fun and likes to date.
Darci is a voice for the USU student population,
She shares their concerns and reports it to the President without hesitation.
She is a waitress at a Brazilian Grill,
Go and see her and she will pay your bill.

Madison is obsessed with the band One Direction,
She follows and stalks them with grand affection.
Her new best friend is Mickey the Mouse,
Early this year, she lived near his house.
She visited Disney World where she interned for a while,
Ask her how it was, her stories are sure to make you smile.
Madison studies English at UVU,
Someday she plans to write a book or two.

Cami and Austin have Kennadi who is one,
She is cute as a button, but makes it hard to get much done.
This was a big year for Cami as she got her degree,
She couldn’t get away and now works at the university.
Austin has one more semester of school left to do
And if he isn’t at school, you will find him at the golf course, hitting a ball or two.
Cami and Austin bought a house in Spanish Fork,
Along with a few cars that have lots of torque.

Courtnie and Dillon had a cute baby boy,
His name is Easton and he is really a joy.
Courtnie now works at home as a mom
Where she writes great stories at FamilyShare.com.
If you are wondering what products to buy,
Courtnie also writes about products that are top of the line.
Dillon is almost done with school, he took the Law school application test
And hopefully he did his best. 

Eric and Sandy have been traveling fools,
From Florida, D.C., and the Yellowstone geyser pools.
Sandy is busy visiting her two sweet grand kids,
While Eric’s time as bishop, he patiently bids.
Eric spends his time hunting, fishing and running,
While Sandy is busy decorating Christmas trees and shopping.

We have had a happy year, this is true,
We hope our joyful spirit rubs off on you.
Please share with those you call dear,
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Love, The Packers


The Little Things...

You know it seems like there are WAY too many people these days who are negative. And seriously people, like stop.
Although it's not that easy, and I wish it was.
I'm a pretty easy going person. I'm only human so of course I get down. But compared to some people, i'm like the happiest person to walk this earth.
Now, I live in a pretty unrealistic world. Meaning my head is always not with reality. My nose is either in a book or i'm living vicariously through the people of the internet or yeah know...dreaming of my own happily ever after as a Disney movie is playing. Get the picture? I don't live in the real world. Because as Sebastian said to Ariel, "The human world, it's a mess"...  But hey look, i'm happy! :)

Anyway. Feeling down? Here's some helpful ways to get you smiling! [And if these dont work, then reevaluate your life. Just kidding. Maybe.]

Two of my favorite things in one video! Disney AND two of my favorite youtubers!!

Go HERE to watch the videos Little Mix has put on their vines and instagrams. Even if you don't know these girls they are absolutely hilarious!!

Watch one of my favorite videos EVER on the web. It's fantastic! :)

Go ahead and type in One Direction into youtube. Watch their interviews. Watch their music videos. Watch their performances. Anything. You WILL laugh. These boys are outta control and so funny!

Go watch some Kid President videos. You will laugh and you will feel uplifted. It's pretty much a win win.

Still feeling down? Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. Dance around your room. Phone and old friend. Watch a funny movie. Eat some ice cream.
Still not working? Then I don't know man. You're helpless because I was smiling a long long time ago.

Just remember. We all have bad days. But don't make every day a bad day. What's the point? You are far too blessed to be stressed! Your attitude makes the difference. Remember people wanna be around happy people. Be that happy person for someone else. Don't let anyone leave you without a smile. Because....

Now a little advice for the road:

And also remember as my good friend Dory says....Just Keep Swimming! :)


And all these Little Things...

I'm dying. I'm dead. I can't breathe. I'm unstable. I cant even handle.
My life right now is "per-fect!"
Okay this week has by far been a fantastic fantastic week.
It started off Monday. Monday the Royal Baby was born and I was beyond excited for that! Seriously so stoked! Welcome to the world little Georgie! (oh and PS I called that it would be a boy and that his name would be George. Aunts intuition I guess!) Also One Direction came out with a new song and video which is hands down the best thing to ever grace the world wide web! I'm a bit obsessed. "Now follow me cause i'm quite quick,  5 6 7 8!"  Seriously if you havent seen it yet go here Best Song Ever You wont regret it!
Anyway so that was pretty fantastic but then yesterday was the day of the year. Yesterday was the day I have been waiting for since last October. Yesterday was the day I found out that One Direction is real and perfectly flawless. Yesterday was the day I breathed the same air as One Direction. Yesterday was the freaking One Direction concert. Like I said, i'm dead.
Okay heres the day!
Kylie and I are ya know 20 year olds who have been madly in love with this boy band for over a year now. Good reason why I dont have a boyfriend i'm sure. Whatever, no regrets. Anyway so we went at 10 yesterday to hang out the back of the arena for a glimpse of those 5 boys who we absolutely adore.
Well guess what. It paid off.
As soon as we got there we immediately made friends with this one girl-i'm still not sure how it happened but it didnt take long for us to become friends. She left shortly after though because she went to go find a way into the arena so Kylie and I sat around with a group of girls. We made really good friends with two other girls who were great! (You can really bond with someone while waiting out in the heat for 5 hours discussing One direction!)
Anyway at the beginning Niall finally came off the bus and just stood there and watched us girls then waved. We all went cray cray of course. He stood there for a little bit more then went back to the bus.
THEN some dumb security person came out and was like telling these girls to stay on the grass and how we couldnt stand on the little bars they set out and blah blah blah because otherwise he would make us all leave and we would ruin our opportunity and we were like umm okay we will do whatever you say just get the boys out here. Yeah well like 3 minutes after this guy came out they shut the gate but not only that they tarped it up so we couldnt see in. We were so mad. We were all shouting no and begginig Larry to make them stop. Oh Larry was the security guard who we became tight with. We were pretty mad about the tarp and I was like "you guys what if Niall was a test and we failed!" and everyone was like so true! Even with a tarp though no one left. We sat around and sang 1D songs (no joke) and would tell Larry all about our plans on how to sneak in the back.
We would scream for any car that would come to the gate for kicks. Like I'll tell you what the UPS man was loving his life. We would sit and chant Larry and everyone wanted a picture with him. Totes his Beyonce moment.
A yellow taxi then came in and shortly after left. But it didnt leave empty-no no. This is because Niall and Liam were inside. (possibly Zayn and Louis as well but I only saw Niall and Liam!) When they were close to us Liam threw up the peace sign towards my little section of friends. We died.
We were all sitting down in the heat absolutely dying fighting not to pass out. We kept asking Larry if we did pass out if he would take us back there and not just call the EMTS like he said he would. Then Sandy walked by us as he was going out for a run and we're like bro-its like a billon degress what are you doing. Whatever, Sandy is practially one Direction so it was sweet. But seriously all our energy was gone. We even stopped screaming for everyone.
Well heres the trick on how to boost your energy very quickly. Send Harry Styles.
We got word that Harry was leaving the hotel and sure enough shortly after here came Harrys bus. We begged Larry to take his sweet time opening and closing the gate and he actually did! Love him!
We caught a glimpse of Lux and she was absolutely adorable! But at this point a bunch of people who had been at the hotel had come here so they were the idiots who were trying to rush the gate. All of us who had been there were like you're the reason we cant have nice things!!
After Harry got there we knew the boys would be doing soundcheck soon so Kylie and I peaced out because a: we needed water desperately B: we needed food desperately C: we needed air conditioning desperately. So we walked over to Ihop.
At one point my phone went off and my ringtone is 1D of course and the table next to me of girls just busted out in the song and I was like yes. If only my life was always like this!
By this point we still had 2 hours till the doors opened so Ky and I went and bought our shirts then sat in her car where it was air conditioned. We then eventually made our way to the doors to get in. so many girls i'll tell ya. So many little girls!
Radio stations were there and kept playing 1D so at one point while they played Best Song Ever Ky and I started quoting the Leeroy part and these girls next to us thought we were hilarious and we were like dont be us girls. We're in college. And they were like no man , you are what our future looks like (they were just 16 and 17)  So we got talking to them and I was like do you guys realize we will be breathing 1Ds air? and this mom behind me started cracking up and she was like oh my you sound just like my daughter. (yeah too bad your daughter is like 13)
We FINALLY got into the arena and braved lines at the concessions for some more water because lets be honest-we were absolutely dehydrated. By the time we got to our seats the opening act 5 Seconds of Sumer had already started and they smashed it. They are such an adorable Australian band. Love them.
Once they got off stage we were like oh man. 1D's next. They kept playing music videos of like Little Mix (probably Zayns idea. lets be honest) and little ads of 1D things. Each time even the words 1D came on the arena went mental! (me included-guilty!) I then saw Gemma and Lux below us then later Lou. I was like is this real life? I was soo excited.
But then...ladies and gentleman One Direction stepped onto the stage. I lost it. my voice was shot in that first song.
I am here to tell you One Direction is real. And they are perfect and flawless. And attractive. And their accents are even better in person. And they are hilarious. And can sing incredible live. And I mean when did I agree to sell my soul to this boy band? Like I dont remember signing up for this life.
At different points I kid you not Niall, Liam and Harry each waved to me and Kylie. So I mean there's a whole other reason to scream.
The boys kept saying over and over how we were honestly one of their loudest crowds and oh man. .They kept quoting some Youtube Video (well Louis mostly) Louis changed the lyrics in Little Things to instead of cup of tea, Susan Boyles tea. The boys sat and played soccer. Legit discussed what they would do if a zombie fan came on stage. "Harold! You're telling me you would chop off a fans head!" Louis kept calling Niall Neal  and Niall would call him Lewis (which they do that a lot but its even better in person) They talked about transporting to space with Nialls little nephew Theo. Raved about some girls twitter name which was mamajuju. "I want to go to mamajuju's house!" Harry kept saying to one of their camera man whose birthday it was "Have a whisky! But not in Utah, it's illegal!" Niall was the absolute best to watch live though. He is hilarioius! Harry took a picture of us (which he STILL hasnt posted. Ugh Harold!) but Niall was like "Wait. Can you take it again? I want to be in it!" and Harry was like "Uhh okay" and Niall was like "WAHOO! I'm gonna be on Instagram baby!!" I couldnt stop laughing. And let it be known I Madison, heard Niall Horan's laugh in person. (something only a directioner cares about) AND saw with my own two eyes Niall do is famous jumps.
Seriously i'm done.
Niall made a comment about them coming back next year so lets just say, i'll be the 21 year old at a concert now! Holla for a dolla!
No but seriously i've been to lots of concerts but this one was the best. But maybe just cause we know how I feel about these boys. I dont think I will ever be the same!

Anyway here are some videos of the show. Dont have your volume up to loud. I scream a lot! (although these ones are my more mellow videos! :) )

Nialls part always gets me in this song!

If this song doesnt give you goosebumps then don't talk to me!

One of my all time favorite songs!! Think it's good on the radio? That's nothing compared to this song in real life. Done.

Crazy Crazy Crazy till we see the sun!!!

[Dont know why the videos were made so small but whatev. It's 1D so it's still perfect!] 


I'm Enough

I feel like we live in a world thats filled with negativity and honestly a huge chunk of that is from the media. 
And heres the thing-i'm a social media addict! 
But how many times from looking at others do we think we aren't enough?
Stop. We ARE enough. 
Just because that girl is pretty, doesnt mean you're ugly. Just because she seems more successful than you doesn't mean you arent. You're comparing her chapter 20 to your chapter 7 in lifes book.

Why listen to me? I'm just a college student who knows nothing about life. Fine, listen to Kid President, he knows his stuff-he's a kid president after all! 

You are enough. 
You were made to be awesome. 
Give the world a reason to dance.

But what's important is not tearing down others to reach your success. Don't you much rather want to hang out with someone who is kind and happy rather than someone who always has a rain cloud over their head? 
I know for me making other people smile makes me smile. And well it's a chain reaction, because when I make other people smile and people want to be around me, that makes me feel like i'm enough. No stormy cloud is hanging around me that's for sure. What's the best way to make someone smile? Compliment them of course! How simple is it to give a compliment? Best part is it can completely turn someones day around! 
Two of my favorite Brits took the challenge to compliment people because they realized people don't give enough compliments.  

So get out there and conquer the world. Don't let anyone rain on your parade because you are enough. 


Lessons Disney Taught Me...

If you know me at all you know I have a mild obsession with Disney (hence why I recently went and worked there). Although bad news for you guys, my time spent at Disney has just increased that mild obsession basically. Although lets go back to when this all began.......
March 17, 1993 a fantastic girl was born. For the sake of this story, lets call her Madison. Fast forward time a few years to when Madison could start talking. Naturally in the olden days parents often used their favorite child distraction-the VCR. One day Madison's mother played The Little Mermaid. Bam. Madison was hooked. Madison officially possibly had her first obsession and it was a red headed Mermaid. Of course Madison watched all the Disney classics, Peter Pan, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, the list obviously goes on and on. Her eyes sparked each time a trip to Disney occurred and she could see her favorite characters in real life, as she felt what could only be described as magic. But, as most children grow up (something Peter Pan warned us about) the children fell away from their Disney love. Girls putting their Princess crowns in storage and boys putting their Woody dolls high up on a shelf. Tragic right? Occasionally you have a child who might have taken a lesson or two from Peter Pan and refused to quite grow up without making the dramatic trip to Neverland. Fast forward time even further ahead and here we have Madison at 20 years old. Not even any longer a child, but no longer a teenager. She is officially an adult.
Now, I am here to tell you that yes, the girl in the story is me. Shocking turn of events I know. But you know, whether we grew up from Disney or not, there is no denying the lessons Disney seemed to teach us. Each Disney story is entertaining with it's catchy songs and perfect romance stories, but deeper lessons lay beneath that.
Pinocchio: I for one hate Pinocchio, it gives me nightmares. BUT....it's jam packed with lessons. For example-a lie will keep growing and growing. Wish upon a star, and best of all, always let your conscience be your guide!
Bambi: Another one I don't particularly like but who can't love Thumpers advice-If you cant say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
Hercules: "A true hero isn't measured by the size of his strength, but by the strength of his heart" "Giving up is for rookies" and best of all "I can go the distance." Isn't he a catch?
Aladdin: Remember the whole lamp and genie thing? It's kind of important to the story line. Well "It's not what's outside, but what's inside that counts." And of course as Genie put it "Just BEE yourself!"
Cinderella: "Even Miracles take a little time"...
Lion King: "The past can hurt...but the way i see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."
Mulan: Be true to your heart
Pocahontas: Walk in the footsteps of strangers you'll learn things you never knew
Peter Pan: All it takes is faith and trust...
Beauty and the Beast: Don't judge a book by it's cover! (See what I did there. Because Belle likes to read and fell in love with a Beast who happens to be a dashing prince?...clever me!)
Sleeping Beauty: Well she slept most the time but Prince Phillip is quite a stud. Slaying dragons while the whole kingdom slept away-some people will go to extremes for those they love! (even if they just met. Although hey they have met before...once upon a dream!)
Snow White: Don't accept food from strangers
Princess and the Frog: Don't kiss a frog.....oh and working hard for something pays off.
Brave: If ya have the chance to change yer fate...do it. *read in a Scottish accent. It makes it more fun!*
Tangled: From "Ah, the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning" to "That's the good part I guess, you go find a new dream." Tangled is packed with lessons of adventure and reaching your dreams.
The Little Mermaid: While for the longest time the only lesson I could really focus on was how badly I wanted to be a mermaid-let's focus on "Such wonderful things around you-what more are you looking for?" Sometimes you just got to stop and enjoy the present.

Of course the list of Disney movies and the lessons they hold goes on and on. Disney's pretty rad and sure I  may be that adult refusing to quite fully grow up but come on Walt himself said "That's the real trouble with the world-too many people grow up....." Well Walt, i'm on your side my friend.

But I like to believe you're never too old for Disney.


Faith is like a little seed...

I was looking at my pins on Pinterest and while looking through my quote board I took notice in all my pins that have to do about God. Probably at least 90 percent if not more. It really got that little gear in my head spinning as i'm not sure why but I became completely full of gratitude. I've seen people in all different stages of life, some who have God and some who don't. I can't imagine going through my life without knowing someone up there is looking out for me, and not just someone, but my Heavenly Father. It's through the gospel that I get to be with my family, who happen to be my best friends, for eternity. It's through this gospel that once I find a dashing young man, our love story never has to end. It's through the gospel that I know i'm showered in blessings day in and day out. It's through the gospel that I know my prayers are answered. I know that He never gives me a rejection, just a redirection. It's through the gospel that I know myself worth. That I know I am a daughter of a King. It's through this gospel that I am able to get through my trials. I know  I am never given something I can't handle. It's through this gospel that I know my timing might not always be His timing, but with trust in his will, I know he will lead me to something greater. It's through this gospel that I know everyday is a special occasion, to stop seeking out the clouds and enjoy the sunlight! It's through this gospel that I know wonderful things are in store for me if I just believe, obey and endure! It's through this gospel that I remember not to judge people because they sin differently then me. It's through this gospel I know that I have to rise up and become the person I was meant to be. It's through this gospel that I know God's light is real. It's through this gospel that I know God is patiently waiting to hear from each of his children. It's through this gospel that I know Heaven wont be filled with people who never made mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes each and everyday.
This gospel truly is some kind of incredible. I can't explain the peace and happiness it gives me and each and every day of my life. This gospel is the reason I know that people ask me why I am always so happy-I mean you would be to if you had the knowledge I have. How could you not stay happy knowing the highest power out there is not only rooting for you to succeed, but is helping you reach your victory? You've got to let your faith be bigger than your fear. You've got to fight all your battles on your knee's and I swear you will come out victorious every time. You've got to pray hardest when it is hardest to pray, don't get discouraged because things will work out. After all, if you feel like you're drowning in life's situations, just remember your lifeguard walks on water!


My Life List

I was doing what I do best. Internet "research" when I came across a blog with this picture and a list off the 100 things they want to do before they die. Obviously a bucket lists throws me back to one of my old favorite tv shows..The Buried Life. What do you want to do before you die? They would ask. So I myself wrote a list. A life list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Some may be ridicilous, while some are simple, but these are my dreams!

1. Marry in the LDS Temple
2. Serve a Church mission with my Husband
3. Spend time in England
4. Attend a taping of The Ellen show
5. Scream off the Brooklyn bridge
6. Spend a summer in a beach house
7. Meet Ryan Gosling
8. Tour Europe
9. Have a song written for me
10. Write a book that people want to read
11. Give $100 to a complete stranger
12. Anonymously pay for someone's groceries
13. Be able to do a somersault
14.  Overcome my fear of getting kidnapped
15. Visit all 50 states
16. Walk the Great Wall of China
17. Have a tree house
18. Attend Newsies on Broadway
19. Learn to french braid
20. Make a difference
21. Shake hands with the Prophet
22. Have my own fairytale
23. Meet all five members of One Direction
24. Learn to surf
25. Attend a movie Premier
26. Sleep in a castle
27. Wear a ball gown -to an important event.
28. Read all Jane Austen books
29. Marry my soul mate/best friend
30. Become a mom
31. Hold a conversation with Kate Middleton
32. Ride in a gondola in Italy
33. Dye my hair
34. Learn a song on the guitar
35. Receive an applause from a packed stadium
36. Get a Yorki named Bella
37. Be an extra in a TV show/movie
38. See the Northern lights
39. Swim with dolphins
40. Be in Times Square for News Year
41. Ride the London Eye
42. Ride in a Racecar
43. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
44. Attend the Olympics
45. Do something that absolutely terrifies me
46. Have my portrait painted
47. Tell someone the story of my life-no details spared
48. Learn how to take a compliment
49. Send a message in a bottle
50. Learn how to say no
51. Ride in the Channel Tunnel
52. Experience weightlessness
53. Drive across America from coast to coast
54. Spend an entire day reading a novel
55. Grow a garden
56. Make a wish in the Trevi fountain
57. See the statue of Liberty
58. Participate in a flash mob
59. Get a college degree
60. Cut the ribbon at an event
61. Make an important speech
62. Throw a surprise party
63. Make a music video
64. Be a contestant on a game show
65. Study abroad
66. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
67. Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
68. Participate in a paint fight
69. Catch lighting bugs
70. Have a famous persons number in my phone
71. Visit the Titanic in a submarine
72. Send a letter to a random address
73. Slow dance in the rain
74. Take a midnight stroll in Paris
75. Sleep on the beach
76. Ride in a double decker bus
77. Write something in wet cement
78. Sit courtside at a Utah Jazz game
79. Read the Book of Mormon in a week
80. Let off a floating lantern
81. Make a British guard smile
82. Sign an autograph
83. Go to a drive in movie
84. Spend a night in Cinderellas castle
85. Carve my name in a tree
86. Make my own skirt
87. Plant a tree
88. Get in a taxi and yell "Follow that car!"
89. Go on a no budget shopping spree
90. Give people a [good] reason to remember my name
91. Take a photo everyday for a year
92. Walk the red carpet
93. Get paid to do what I love
94. Get lost in a foreign land on purpose
95. Find a 4 leaf clover
96. Watch my kids have happy ever afters
97. Kiss under the mistletoe
98. Give a homeless person a Christmas present
99. Jump in a pool fully clothed
100. Leave my mark on the world


Oh hey!

Yo yo Blog followers!! If you are wondering what I have been up to head over to my other blog that I have been updating on my Disney Happenings. http://awholenewworld04.blogspot.com/
Thanks and have a magical day! :)

I guess I will leave you with this video. Its absolutely hilarious and from my favorite 5 idiots in this whole entire world. And head over to Itunes and buy this song.. seriously do it. It goes to charity!


I'm {Blank} Because...

I'm weird because:
I kiss the clock at 11:11
I cant sleep with my hair down
I'm terrified of getting kidnapped
I'm sure my death will be because of an earthquake
I can quote a movie after seeing it once
I cry easily. Like commercials can tear me up.
I crack myself up multiple times a day
I eat ice cream with a fork
I have to sleep with the closet door completely shut. Completely.
I cant stand feet touching me or near me. Makes me sick.
I hate loud crunching. Kit Kat commercials make me cringe.
I hate sleeping with socks on.
Disney movies rock my world.
I'm really good with names.
I set my alarm clock early enough so I can push snooze at least 3 times.

I'm a bad friend because:
I hate answering the phone
I'd rather text than talk on the phone
I hate people paying for me
I talk too much
I rely on others to make plans
I dont really express my feelings
I interrupt a lot.

I'm a good friend because:
I want to see those I love succeed
I love making people laugh
I remember the little things
I can be goofy and silly-but also hold a deep conversation
I'm a good listener
I'm good at keeping secrets
3 in the morning and I will be there for you.

I'm sad because:
I need to be better at letting things roll off my back
I'll be really far away from family soon
It's really cold outside
I haven't gotten mail in a while
I'm not as close as I used to be with some people
I'm going to miss my nephews birth and wont see him till he is a couple months old

I'm happy because:
I'm about to embark on a fun adventure
I'll get to spend everyday in the happiest place on earth
I'm showered in blessings daily
I'm surrounded by people who care
I have so much to look forward to in 2013


Questionnaire...because I can.

Alright I decided since its a new year I would do a questionaire thing-because why not. And i'm currently bored. So I googled a questionaire, copied the first one and so here we go. I hope these questions are even good. :) 
1) Put your iTunes on shuffle. Give me the first 6 songs that pop up. Weightless: ATL -Jar of Hearts: Christina Perri- Up Against the Wall: BLG - Thats how I beat Shaq: Aaron Carter -Trouble: NeverShoutNever - Replay :Iyaz
2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Anyone? Oh my gosh thats so hard. Theres so many people I would die to meet! 
3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. I love this game! :) Okay.."Ordinary objects, forgotten and left out in the rain, yet incredibly important" 
4) What do you think about most? Oh man...lots of different stuff. 
5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? From Tessa and it said "I KNOW!! Haha" 
6) Do you sleep with or without a fan on? On. I have to! 
7) What’s your strangest talent? I'm talentless man..
8) Girls…. (finish the sentence); Boys…. (finish the sentence) I actually dont think I understand this question...
9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? No! Gosh. I want a song written about me though. One time i told my dear friend Clay to write me a song. It went like "Madison is sitting on the couch with me" so if that counts..then yes. 
10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? 5 minutes ago. Just kidding i have no idea.
11) Do you have any strange phobias? Getting kidnapped. But thats not that strange right?
12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? What? No.
13) What’s your religion? LDS and proud!! 
14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Swinging at the park
15) Do you perfer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Well infront of course :)
16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Well it depends..like band as in like Boys Like Girls..or band as in a boyband like One Direction? 
17) What was the last lie you told? I dont remember
18) Do you believe in karma? To a point
20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? I actually dont know. I would have to think about that. 
21) Who is your celebrity crush? Shoot, where do I start? Ultimate celebrity crush is the ever flawless Ryan Gosling of course. 
22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Nooooo
23) How do you vent your anger? I dont. I bottle it in. Unless i'm with my family, I can freak out on them 
25) Do you perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I hate talking on the phone for some reason..well it depends actually. but I prefer video chatting
26) Are you happy with the person you’ve become? Yes. i'm awesome :) 
27) What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? Hate loud crunching-like as in eating. Sound I love? British accents :) 
29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Ghosts yes. Thanks to Spanish class. Aliens no. 
30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. Right arm: A duffle bag. Left arm: My pillow pet who is cute :) 
31) Smell the air. What do you smell? Nothing.
32) What’s the worst place you have ever been to? Puerta Vallarta. Why? Cause I almost got kidnapped!!!!! 
33) Choose: East Coast or West Coast? West.
34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? All 5 members of One Direction baby!! 
38) What’s the weather like right now? Cloudy with a 24% chance of snow. The wind is blowing at 1 MPH and temperatures are dropping. Actually I dont know. I just know its cold. 
39) What time is it? Summer time. It's our vacation! ......12:03
40) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yes and no. Well..i slide into some things once or twice. 
41) What was the last book you read? Crossed
42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? No way!
43) Do you have any nicknames? Most just Mad
44) What was the last movie you saw? Cadet Kelly on Disney Channel at 2 in the AM. Wahoo
45) What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? My growing plates shifted in my right index finger. Seriously thats the worst. But it HURT. 
46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? I think I have...
47) Do you have any obsessions right now? Please. I'm easily obsessed with things. 
49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Oh yes. And I was madddddd
50) Do you believe in magic? Disney magic! :) 
51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Yeah...
52) What is your astrological sign? Pisces..
53) Do you save money or spend it?Depends..i'm pretty good at saving
54) What’s the last thing you purchased? I think my sisters christmas present
55) Love or lust? Love
56) In a relationship? No
58) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Noo
59) Where were you yesterday? My house. 
60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yes actually
61) Are you wearing socks right now? Nope
62) What’s your favorite animal? A Giraffe. Has been since elementary school. What up sucka! 
70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Well shoot..not to sound cocky or anything..but I would like to have me as a friend
71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Are you freaking kidding me? Of course I would save the dog. If someone didnt that would be AWFUL! 
72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? Yes I would tell people. I would go travel the world! I would be terrified honestly. 
77) How can I win your heart? Oh survey....you sure have a way with words. You've already won my heart. Just kidding. I want a guy who is funny. That definitely wins my heart. 
78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? I think so
80) What size shoes do you where? 8 1/2
84) What is a saying you say a lot? What up sucka. Outta control. Like a boss. -It's clear to see i'm a wannabe gangster 
85) What’s the last song you listened to? Kiss You by One Direction
86) Basic question: what’s your favorite color/colors? Tourquoise
87) What is your current desktop picture? Walt Disney World Castle :) 
88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Oh jeez. How violent. ...
90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do? Oh my gosh stop. I would scream and cry and cry and scream! 
91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? I would be a bin...okay 1D joke. Umm...to teleport?
92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Elementary school. Say....1st grade? :) 
95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Bah!! London!!!!!!!!
96) Do you have any relatives in jail? Not that I am aware
98) Ever been on a plane? Oh yes
99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? hi. 

.......And thats all folks! How fun was that! :)