
Year in Review!

2012 is near and this is the time I usually cant help but think back on my year. Was it a year full of adventure and smiles or a year full of regrets and disapointments?
Well, I am very happy to report it was a pretty rocking year!! 2011 will definitely be a year to remember-a year for the record books!
This was the year I turned 18.
 It was the year of Jason. Almost getting kidnapped. and a bunch of "wahoos"

It was the year full of more adventureous Jazz games!

It was meeting Runner Runner

And GRADUATING High School!!!

And meeting the love of my life! [Along with finally seeing All Time Low and Downtown Fiction!]

It was Cami getting married

And finally going to a We The Kings /Hot Chelle Rae concert

It involved supporting my favorite Charity

And finally starting college!

And Kelbster goin on his mission
Lets face it. 2011 basically rocked!!


Bestest Cousins for Life :)

Well..its actually kinda been a rough couple days, won't lie! My dearest cousin is leaving on his mission tomorrow. Don't ask me why but I am having a hard time. I keep thinking about how different family get togethers are going to be without him and it depresses me. Me and Kelby have always been close, he's always been someone I can count on and talk to. I remember dragging him into grandmas room in Cedar to watch the Ice Princess with me. Or we would create plots to annoy the older 5. We have had several heart to hearts in grandmas food storage and I cant forget all those times he prank called me in the middle of the night. I've dragged him to several chick flicks-my favorite being Enchanted.  Now whenever I see him and he wants a hug I have to run away otherwise he completely picks me up. From hearing his "Womens Rights" joke to his obnoxious "Bartle-doo" I know its only going to be two years and it's not like I wont ever see him again-but I sure am going to miss Bron Bron for the next two years! But, in another light..I am so proud of Kelb and his choice to serve a mission. He is going to be an incrediable missionary and is going to grow so much!



I know whats coming,
"Woah Madison. I almost forgot you even had a blog!"
Yeah, me too basically. But basically i'm just living the college dream. No big deal! :)
It's been a good couple of weeks. .or months. I dont even know how long its been. Too long. Basically too long I dont even remember whats happened to blog about it!
Although lets just say that im not so sure high school is where ya meet your true friends. I think college is. Because in college everything is tested. What you believe in and who your friends are. Those friends you had in high school you see who really cares about you enough to stick around. Those who actually care to see how your life is going. You also make new friends-friends that through the thousands and thousands of kids in the same school you have drawn towards each other and create a friendship.
Then I have my best friends-my sisters! Living in Orem so close to my older sisters rock! I love being able to call Courtnie up and see if I can swing by her place, or rage to Cami of my latest not so dramatic life. I think even me and Darci have grown closer with me being gone. I can just call her up and spill to her all about the hottie I saw that day while she spills to me the drama that is Bear River High School.
Friends are a very important aspect in someones life. And true friends are super rare to find. I feel pretty dang lucky for the most part to have the friends that I have in my life.


"Church is True"

Snap, for real I cant even express how thankful I am for the church. I have been so blessed to be raised in a family strong in the church. Over the years I have gained my own testimony and now I have been thrown into a world all of my own. I have to make my own decisions and everything I have learned over the years is put to the test. Although now I am so lucky to have the roommates I have who are so strong in the church and make going to church so much easier. Although lets be real. . my new ward rocks! I LOVE it. The very first sunday we were all blown away by our sunday school teacher. He was so amazing and so easy to understand. I gained so much insight in just that short time. After church my roommates and I even talked about how great he was. That night at ward prayer we met him and sat and talked to him for a couple hours. He gave us great advice for the first day of school [Which already has come in so much use] and has now become a really good friend to my apartment. He has a saying he is known well for, "The church is true" and its his answer for everything. I love it.
Anyways-I am lucky to have someone like him nearby when my daddio is hours away. This is because tonight he came over and gave my roommate a blessing. Just knowning we had someone so close who is worthy enough and willing to give a blessing is so comforting.
I know for a fact the church really is true and I am so grateful to be a member in it.
[Oh. . and my new calling in the ward involving facebook is also the bomb!]



Cami. .

Well. .tomorrow is the day little Cami grows up. Well. .gets married anyways. Right after I decided UVU was where I was going to go I was like wahoo party every day with Cami. And even my mom had to stress I had to go make my own friends. But then she decides she just has to fall in this thing called love and get hitched. But thats okay. . looks like I get dibs on the Korver brothers now!
Cami is seriously one of my best friends. Whenever she is home from college I would rather hang out with her than my friends. I almost feel sorry for those who are friends with both Cami and I on facebook because their newsfeed is probably always containing some ridiculous wall post we have posted to each other. [Although people cant deny their love for our Jazz poems]. The thing I am going to miss most about single Cami is being able to stay up for hours at night doing our "research" [I doubt Austin would appreciate us keeping him up while "researching" the whole extended Korver family]
Cami and I have too many inside jokes and are always making up a new one. We are quiet the riot. :)

But dearest sister Cami, I just want you to know I love you to pieces. You are always there for me and know how to turn a crappy day around. You will always be PB&J Princess to me and have always been my biggest example. Dont be a stranger once I move to Orem and please feed me often! :)  I am so proud of you being able to get married in the Temple and hope one day you will be at mine and Martins wedding. [Cause lets be honest. . we know its coming!] Continue to use EBAY [Electronic bidding auction. . unity] and we will put more stalkers stalk stories in motion at Jazz games. [Fanta and all] I love you! [Truth be told. .this is so 11 apples. Yeah. .it was that good!]


Two is better than one. . [Day 7 & 8]

Im doing these together just cause its been a while since I have! :)
Okay..day 7 is someone I love.
Oh easy. Men in general! :)

Day 8 is my favorite band
Hmm. . .I wonder who this could be. . Lets just say this video says it all for me. .


Day 6

Day 6: A photo that makes me laugh
This photo cracks me up every time! Me and Sharlee were staying at my sisters apartment the night before efy. Earlier that day we had met her dear friend Evan, and were preparing ourselves to meet her physco roommate. Lets just say you can never be too prepared to safety when it comes to those two. Complete physcos.


Day Five. . .

Day five: Picture of me
This is me and my so called good looking boyfriend out for a drive. :) Dont mind my crazy hair. . .the whole Bear River poof has really gotten to me. Anyways. . this was a good time! Gotta love life! :)


Day 4

First off. . .I just got home today from a Family Reunion. I mean the family reunions where you stick with your cousins because everyone else there you have no idea they were even alive let alone related to you. Favorite spot to spend time was the Crandalls motorhome were we discussed how everyone else is "redneck" lets just say pretty entertaining! Anyways. . .home now. With showers and service! Hip hip hooray!
So.. day 4. A picture of where you last went on Holiday
This Holiday would be Mothers day! :) We went on a cruise to Cabo San Lucas and Puerte Vallerta. So. . basically it just happened to be on Mothers day but still, we celebrated it on a cruise!


Day 2 & 3

I'm doing these together cause they relate to the same thing
Day 2 would be a picture of me a year ago

And this is me exactly a year ago! [Okay.. a year and a day. Because the 28 was a Monday and I didnt have a picture from the Monday] Anyways. Exactly a year ago I was at EFY with the best people I have ever met!
Day 3 is a photo that makes me happy

This is one of my favorite pictures of all time! I absolutely love it! I cant look at it without smiling! Words honestly cant describe how much I love this group of people! That week I spent with them I had never laughed so hard or felt the spirit so strong. Nor felt so much love and friendship. They have truely changed my life. -When I say Epi you say Glottis!-


30 day Picture Challenge

Okay so people have been doing different 30 day challenge stuff and I decided it would be entertaining so here I am.. .peer pressure at work! :)
Day 1: Facebook profile picture
And there it is in all its glory. My Facebook profile picture for life! Not only does this picture capture the best day of my life but it captures the very best moment! Ahh. . I freak out all over again just thinking about it! :)


Childhood HeartThrob

I spent the first couple days of Summer vaca catching up on Vampire Diaries online. It became an addiction and took up all of my time basically. Once I was all caught up I didnt know what to do with my freetime now. Then Katy Perry's alter ego Kathy Beth Terry posted a picture of her photoshopped in a picture with Zack Morris and Slater from Saved by the Bell. BAM! I now knew what show I would start watching. I found a link to the episodes on the internet and began watching right away.
It didnt take me long to fall right back in to the Zack Morris trap. Yes, what girl didnt have a crush on the dear scheming Zack? I admit he was my very first crush (I guess this whole celebrity loving started young) followed by Mike from growing pains. Then eventually a kid I actually knew. But psh. .thats no fun, plus it was balanced out with Aaron Carter at the time! :) But ya know. . Zack still remained in my little boy loving heart! :)
Starting to watch this show again has made me realize what a smart little girl I was, I made a very wise choice with picking the very first guy to crush on. [Plus I had forgotten how hillarious Screech really was!]
I guess there is something charming about a guy like Zack. Works to get what he wants (although naturally his schemes always backfires) but is an incrediable friend and always has their backs. Not to mention his relationship with Kelly. Ugh im only half way through season two but Zack is a true romantic. (specially in the prom episode. It just melted my heart)

Anyways. . .the point is. Saved by the Bell may be from the early 90's but it is still a rad [Very cheesy] but rad show. [not to mention how catchy the theme song is] And Zack Morris will always be the goodlooking heartthrob.


My life equals complete

Now if my dear followers didnt think I would blog about this they were seriously on crack. Because I could die right now and die just so dang happy. I dont think a smile has left my face for over 24 hours. Ladies and Gents we all know how much I love the band Boys Like Girls. If you didnt know that then why the heck are you reading this because you obviously dont know me. Find some other way to procrastinate. Anyways. . along with that dear love for that amazing band came my love for the lead singer Martin Johnson.Now. . I may or may not be madly in love with him. While waiting for Martin to come out I was about to have a nervous breakdown. Ashlee told all the girls next to me to not even worry cause I was madly in love and the girl next to me was telling me to breath deeply. I even warned them all I would freak out and gave a heads up to the security guard next to me. Luckily they were all chill with it.
Okay. I cant even begin to explain how amazing this day way. Martin walked out. I freaked out. Asked for a picture. And while standing next to him he grabbed my hand and was holding it and then he was like "this is like an awkward prom photo" so we held up our hands so the camera could get a picture of it. We are so in love! :) After that I ran out of the crowd and started like hypervenalating and almost cried. Ah. I am so embarrassed to admit it. I was the annoying kind of fan I love to make fun of. But I totally understand them now. I couldnt beleive how starstruck I got. I saw him jump the fence into the fenced off area and hurried to get front row for him to come back to me. I had forgot to give him my letter I wrote and almost didnt but my friends were freaking out at me and told me I would regret it if I didnt do it. while waiting for him he looked over at me so I was like "Martin, you have beautiful eyes" ah he gave me the sweetest smile and told me thanks. Yup. Honestly I was in a state of shock. Finally Martin got over to us and I was like "here I wrote you this letter. Dont read it right now though." He smiled and acted all touched and put it to his heart and was like "Why thank you. I will put it in my pocket so I can read it later" I couldnt stop smiling like a fool. I asked him to sign my bracelet and after that he was like "here. . .I am good at taking pictures" so he took my camera and was all instructing us on where to stand or whatever so we could all get in the frame. Dont even worry.. I was totally okay with leaning up against him. Ah. Honestly yesterday was truely heaven on earth in Salt Lake City.
Miracles seriously exist. I thought the day I would meet Martin would ever come true. But it finally has and I hope there will be many more times. Oh no. . .scratch that. Without a doubt there will be!
[By the way. . the concert over all was freaking awesome. Amazing bands were there and it was so much fun! I would have been so mad at myself if I had missed it!]
Yeah. .we are holding hands right now in this!

Now its definitely obvious we are holding hands :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I. am. in. LOVE


[Oh also. . he played a couple news songs that are AMAZING!]



I cant believe the day has already come and gone! Yesterday after 13 years of school I finally graduated. Some days I thought this day would never ever come. Other days I thought this day was coming too fast. But believe it or not I did it and have a diploma as proof. I am officially a Bear River alumni and honestly I wouldnt have wanted to graduate from any other school. Bear River class of 2011 was thee best class to be a part of! I love them all [Okay joke. Some of them I am fine if I never see again] but besides those people. . I will miss them! I have closed one chapter of my book and am about to begin another [Bring on sexy UVU men!. . BYU men can join as well]
High school has been one heck of a wild rollercoaster.. I've laughed. I've cried. I've screamed. I've been crazy. I've gotten in trouble. I've crushed. I've been crushed. I ventured through detour after detour in the school. Had a different building each year. But most importantly i've made life long friends who have helped me out through these years and am sure will continue to help me out. I honestly dont feel old enough to be graduated and it still hasnt hit me yet. Who knows when it will.
After graduation was the all night senior party. Freaking blast. First time I pulled an all nighter and suprisingly it wasnt even hard. It was a great way to spend my last time with my class. Graduation is definitely a bitter sweet moment.
One thing I know for sure. . .Bear River High will never be the same!



Alrighty. . .it's been a week since I have returned home from the fun in the sun and unfortunately I really miss it.
-But who couldnt miss trying to stalk out a sexy boy and after going three days without seeing him getting convinced he was drunk on a beach in Cabo and left behind. Or . .
-Eating dinner with Monica and Demitri "You're Welllcome"
-Trying to go wherever I knew Jason would be so I could hear that fabulous accent of his[I miss him the most!:) ]
-Felipe the cruise director! Funny man. Funny funny man!
-Larry. Who loves his wife Sally. And shows it by jumping up and down three times with flare
-Stephanie's shark joke
-Getting ice cream every ten minutes
-The morning show
-Angel Princess [Who would have thought I would miss her. . right]
-Asians dancing
-Putting ridiculous answers on the triva questions "Oh its gotta be PollyAnna"
-All the Utah people. Jazz representing!
-Hector the Protector [okay I dont really miss him. . .he was just interesting]
-Dance party on Lido deck.
-The water slide. . .what an adventure
-Comedy club. Specially JeROME. His jokes about the size of the pool almost had me in tears
-Eating so much food I feel I could die
-And spending lots of fun times with my family!
Okay. . .I am going to stop there before I just give a detailed day by day happening! So. . anyone want to go back before November with me? [Has to be November so I can see Jason!] :)


[This is our NIGHT!]

Holy Hanna! Talk about Monday being one of the most exciting nights ever! I attended A Rocket To The Moon and Runner Runner concert. Let me tell you this, Its an understatement to say it was amazing! It all begun when me and some friends made the journey to Salt Lake City! We anxiously got in line waiting for the doors to open. All of a sudden BAM! something neon caught my eyes from the corner. I turn to see Ryan and Jon from Runner Runner walking towards the buses, realizing it was Ryans shoes that had drawn my attention. I watched in amazement as they strided past the fans. They stopped to take pictures and no one would come with me to get one. "After the show" they kept saying. Fine whatever. I just kept watching, Ryan left on the phone and Jon continued to take pictures. Finally the line was ending and I just couldnt pass up the oppurtunity. I grabbed Adrienne and told her she was coming with me. She told me she didnt know what to say so I said follow my lead. With that Darcie and Courtney decided they finally wanted to come so we went over. Jon was so nice! and SOOO attractive. I told him I was SO excited for the show [and confession. I was shaking so bad. He made me way nervous!] He said he was too and that we needed to get crazy. Mission accepted. Darcie and Courtney then went up and Darcie told me I had to wear the safety strap on her camera. Jon replied, "Shafety Schtrap first guys!" In a sid the sloth voice. So funny. Anyways. We left. Went inside. Got third row. And waited excitedly. Go Radio came out and Adrienne was in love cause Jason Lancaster from Mayday Parade was in it. Then Runner Runner. Holy cow. FREAKED OUT! They came out for soundcheck. Peter blew my friends and I a kiss, Jon stuck his tongue out and told me to jump up and down when I told him I loved him, And everyone else just gave me a friendly smile. Then they came and rocked their show. Simply amazing! (By the way. . these men in person are SO fly! Not just Jon, but every single one! talk about HEAVEN!) Then some other bands came on, crowd surfers everywhere, INSANE crowd. Not enough time in the day to begin explaining the crowd. Lets just a personal bubble no longer exists with me.  A Rocket To the Moon came out and dang, Nick is also very attractive in person. He kept looking at me while singing but besides that nothing too amazing. Although he was awesome. After the show we were heading out to leave and saw Runner Runner sitting by there booth. I dodged straight to them and striked up a conversation. I told them I had lost my voice from their show and Nick was like "Me too! But I saw it run out like five mintues ago so I bet you can still go catch it!" I was so confused cause I thought he had said Ryan, and Ryan was behind him so I just kind of looked at him so he had to explain it to me. We talked for a minute more, about facebook and what not and finally I asked Peter and Jon for a picture. "I thought you would never ask" Peter said. I thought he said "No thanks for asking" (note: My ears were gone! The concert was so loud!) But finally it registered what he said to I jumped into the spot between Peter and Jon who was sitting on the table. "Umm. . you get in this too!" I told Jon. He laughed and stood up. Then we raced over to get a picture with Jason and raced back over for one with the rest of the band. I told Ryan I was in love with his shoes and got in position next to Nick and James. Me and Nick got our arms tangled up-which I mean, thats alright. :) Anyways. It was such a fun night. I could go into more detail about other happenings but this is already a novel! :) A Rocket To The Moon fan for sure. And a Runner Runner fan for life baby!
Begining of So Obvious [dont get too dizzy!]

 A new fav! Dakota!Favorite part to Like we Used To!

Okay. Obviously I had a freaking blast! Next time either Rocket To The Moon or Runner Runner will be back in Utah without a doubt I will be there! [Specially for Runner Runner. Hands down!]


My Fairytale

As its obvious I am indeed a huge hopeless romantic. In love with love. Thats why when I found this picture on a friends facebook from President Utchdorf it reminded me of a great talk he once gave that always cheers me up. It reminds me that fairytales dont just happen in story books like everyone believes. Im living my own fairytale, that I am a princess and will some day marry my knight in shining armor!


Utah Jazz. . .where Amazing happens

Okay. . so they havent been doing amazing lately. But you know what? This just proves what a loyal fan I am. I am no band wagon fan because win or lose I am rooting for the Utah Jazz.
Anyways, as anyone who knows me knows I love the Utah Jazz. I know basically more than the boys at school. [So I basically owe everything to my sister. She started me on this whole Jazz love. We definitely have become closer through the Jazz!] So, back when Christian Bale hadnt dropped off the face of the earth and wasnt always doing R rated movies I stalked him. No thats a strong word, I did research frequently. Anyways, my sister picked up on my mad skill and did some research of her own on the Jazz. Anyways, thanks to her I have met every Jazz player but Okur [Who should just leave!] and the two new guys. Most of them are super nice while the other half are super shy. I mean I didnt think I was that intimidating. But I mean, they are probably fighting the urge to want to get down on one knee right there and propose to me! [Ya thats to you Gordon Hayward!] So actually Gordy isnt that shy. He was at Dodge Barrage but he has losened up a bit.
Cami and Markel made a friend with the security guard Cameron F one night at a game [One I wasnt invited to! :( ] Eventually they introduced me and that man works miracles! The first time I met him he asked Klay Korver for us for a picture. Right then and there I knew we had to keep this guy around.

So the man last night at the game let us sit front row till the very begining of the game. He has let us get on the court numerous times and gotten us pictures with players. [Although our picture with Wesley Matthews was all Wesley. He practically asked us for a picture with him. No big deal really!] Anyways, I have passed the point of being star struck around them as we are all practically BFF's! [Okay. . so I am still working on them knowing my name but it will come! After all there is no way they cant recognize us!] But one day I better have this feeling of no starstruckness to Alex Pettyfer because I see him so much! :) I will invite all the Jazz boys to that wedding! :) 

All in all. . .Peace, Love, Jazz!


Jack the Jubilant

You know when you are sitting at church and you see the two little girls walking down the hallway holding hands giggling about everything. Or visit an elemantary school and see those two little girls who wont do anything without the other? Yeah, that once was me with the dear Jamie. Or James, Jamison, Jamie Jo, or even Jack the Jubilant. Jamie and I used to be each others other half. We were basically connected at the hip and I hardly even have a childhood memory without Jamie in it. Jamie and I used to go on bike rides together, have a sleep over every weekend together, play dress up, barbies and dolls together. Play house and tag together. Explore her backyard together, chase the boys at recess together. Get the picture? We were inseperable. I could see Jamie's house from my kitchen window and we would always meet each other half way at the broken fence to go to each others houses. Jamie and I would never bear our testimonies on fast sunday unless the other went with us. We changed the words to primary songs and told each other all of our secrets. We laughed at the dumbest things and loved to freak ourselves out! We would run from passing cars and hide in the garage and creep ourselves out by thinking that car had already passed by many times. We even once convinced ourselves Elizabeth Smart was buried near my house. We would always get gummy frogs as snacks in Sunday School and would name them and keep them as our pets! In first grade when I got the eye patch I knew if people would make fun of me she wouldnt. We were both crushing on the same boy and in second grade she even came to visit me when I was in the hospital.When I turned 8 she was right there at my baptism and even found Dora immature at my birthday party. . so we went out and hula hooped and tried to sommersalt. I also once spilt red paint on her floor which I still feel bad about! Even in fifth grade we had to write a paper on our best friend and I still remember what I wrote about her. [Jamie. . remember if I ever die you still get my magic eight ball!]
I still remember the day I had to tell Jamie I was moving. I called her to ask her if she wanted to come sledding, I couldnt even wait for her to come and had to tell her over the phone. She didnt believe me and had to talk to my mom. By the time she came over we barely even talked about it, life was simple and we just wanted to have fun.
The day came I had to move and Jamie came to say a last goodbye at the motel we spent the night at. She gave me a present and we tearfully hugged goodbye. By now I was excited to move on to a new journey but hugging her goodbye made me question it all.
I HATED when I first moved to Tremonton. I think I called her frequently and couldnt find any friends. I would cry myself to sleep just wanting to be back in Panguitch and back in the company of my bestie.
Even though we are miles apart we still talk frequently. We text at least once a week and even call to write poems. [which are SO rad!]  We even went to EFY together. . which was so much fun and the longest I had been with her since I moved. [I also learned she can bust out some dance moves better than TSwift!] I have only been to Panguitch a couple times since I moved and long to go back! Last time I was there I also saw thee hottest man who isnt a celebrity but should be. Just saying! :)
But I am so blessed to have Jamie still as a friend. She knows more about me than any one else and no matter how old we get she wont be able to get rid of me, I wont allow it! Jamie is the kind of friend you want for a lifetime no matter how far apart you live. Next week marks seven years of moving to Tremonton and Jamie and I are still going strong. Its like that quote that goes friends are like stars. . you dont always see them, but you know they are always there!
People come into your life for a reason but only a select few stay! <3