
Catch Up

Oh dear.
It's definitely been a while since I've blogged. Part of me uses this as a journal-which makes things even worse cause I havent legit wrote in my journal for over a year. A year! How pathetic!
Well, my last post was back in June with my magical trip to Cali. That was a whole four months ago, I can't believe it. And I can hardly remember anything that's happened in between that I am sure, but I will do my best.
July-The first of July was the Hunt family reunion up in the mountains. Like way up in the mountains. Like so up into the mountains there isn't an ounce of cell phone service. Gag me.
In all honesty it was fun. A few days away from the world is actually quite nice, and after all, I do love my dysfunctional family. One night while sitting around the camp fire a Moose and her baby came wandering through out camp. Literally. Like twenty feet away! It was madness! In July I also went to the Mormon Tabernacle Pioneer concert with special guest Santino Fontana aka Prince Hans of the Southern Isles from Frozen (real reason I went lets be honest) and his voice was AMAZING! I loved it! Such a blast!
I also found a new love in Harry Potter. I'm a bit late on the HP train but it's pretty great. Team Draco for the win! (but no really I took the official sorting hat quiz and got put into Slytherin. Like what? I thought I was a nice person!) My family (minus Cami's family) also went and spent a few days in Island Park. Another quick little get away that was needed.
August-I went to San Antonio, Texas for dearest Hillary's wedding! It was my first official time in Texas (unless you count the airport) and I had a BLAST! Texas is a bit too ghetto for me...aka hick...aka cowboys everywhere..but I had a great couple of days! I was there for two days and three nights but being reunited with Hillary and Caitlin for Hills special day was definitely one for the books. Not to mention getting to meet Hills man and his family that I just adore. I was sad when my short trip came to an end!
Towards the end of summer before school started Whitney, Steph, Muzi and I took a trip to Lagoon. This was a blast! We had such a good time spending the day riding rides and even ended the day with a HUGE rain storm. Literally we got drenched going to the car. It was also raining so hard I was convinced I was going to die on the drive home but I didn't so that's good.
Jessica also came home in August! I was so excited to finally see her after 18 months apart!!
-Summer was also filled with traveling a lot for farewells and many trips to 7 Peaks with the family. Easton and Kennadi are little fishes when it comes to swimming.
Court and Dillon also moved up to Moscow (Idaho not Russia) which is pretty sad actually. Dillon is attending law school, but did they have to take Easton with them?????
I also spent majority of the summer babysitting Kennadi which I absolutely adored. We spent our days playing on the playground, drawing with chalk, blowing bubbles, building forts, and most importantly brainwashing I mean enlightening her with Disney movies!
September: The last week of August school started back up. booooooooo. Where did the summer go? I started back up working at the Testing Center, the front desk this time around. As for school nothing too exciting is happening. I'm pretty much in the same routine of school and work each day, so things get a bit tedious after a while but what can you do.
Anyway that's my life in a nutshell. Nothing too important.
On an important note I only have a mere 93 days till i'm reunited with my one true love: Disney World!