
What do you want to do before you die?

Thats a very good question to ask yourself. That also happens to be the boys from the TV show The Buried Life's theme quote. I have been a huge fan of TBL since their first show!! When I watched them sneak into the Playboy Mansion I was like who are these boys? They also happened to be cute so I was like eh okay I will keep watching. Yup-like a lot of other things I became hooked! Last year for Christmas my sister even got me a TBL shirt and season 1 on dvd. I even named this blog after their theme song-My Life Be Like-Well...the school I go to is amazing! This being The Buried Life came to UVU yesterday. Thats right-this is no joke. Ben, Duncan, Jonnie, and Dave came to UVU. Best day! [After Martin obviously!] The boys talked about their story and why they are doing what they do. They were hillarious! Which I didnt expect anything less. Before they came Cami told me I should tell one of them to kiss me. [Which ever one asks me the question] Well-the time to tell them what I wanted to do came. I couldnt pass it up. I wouldnt see these boys again. So I went up to the microphone and said I wanted a kiss from Ben-But just on the cheek. He was all scruffy and I could have just died. It was pretty great!

I then waited to go meet them and get a picture. Once in the back I went to Duncan first and asked for a hug and for him to sign the back of my shirt. Then Ben. While hugging Ben I told him thanks for the kiss. His response was "We're getting married" Then he signed the back of my shirt. I moved on to Dave where after his hug he started singing while signing my shirt. I started laughing cause on the show they say Dave is the worse singer and they even said it during their presentation. I then saw Kylie having Duncan sign her sign that said "#1: Kiss Duncan Penn" Beneath it Duncan wrote "Yes Please" Then snuck a kiss on Kylies cheek while giving it back. Kylies reaction was hillarious! I then moved to Jonnie. After he signed my shirt I sat and talked to him for a little bit. He asked me and Kaylee how school was going and what not. He then asked "Can I ask what else is on your bucket list?" Oh why yes Jonnie-yes you can. I told him I wanted to participate in a flash mob. He then told me and Kaylee a project coming up involving the flash mob. We felt really cool like it was some top info he was revealing to us. We then had to leave so the next group could come in. Out in the hall I told Kaylee to take a picture of their signatures so I could see them. Once looking I saw that Ben had said "Great Kiss" I started freaking out! How could Kaylee not have mentioned this? Though she said she didnt read them. Lets just say...It was a very very good day. A couple of items got checked off my list thanks to that day. Woot. Go boys! :)