
Cami. .

Well. .tomorrow is the day little Cami grows up. Well. .gets married anyways. Right after I decided UVU was where I was going to go I was like wahoo party every day with Cami. And even my mom had to stress I had to go make my own friends. But then she decides she just has to fall in this thing called love and get hitched. But thats okay. . looks like I get dibs on the Korver brothers now!
Cami is seriously one of my best friends. Whenever she is home from college I would rather hang out with her than my friends. I almost feel sorry for those who are friends with both Cami and I on facebook because their newsfeed is probably always containing some ridiculous wall post we have posted to each other. [Although people cant deny their love for our Jazz poems]. The thing I am going to miss most about single Cami is being able to stay up for hours at night doing our "research" [I doubt Austin would appreciate us keeping him up while "researching" the whole extended Korver family]
Cami and I have too many inside jokes and are always making up a new one. We are quiet the riot. :)

But dearest sister Cami, I just want you to know I love you to pieces. You are always there for me and know how to turn a crappy day around. You will always be PB&J Princess to me and have always been my biggest example. Dont be a stranger once I move to Orem and please feed me often! :)  I am so proud of you being able to get married in the Temple and hope one day you will be at mine and Martins wedding. [Cause lets be honest. . we know its coming!] Continue to use EBAY [Electronic bidding auction. . unity] and we will put more stalkers stalk stories in motion at Jazz games. [Fanta and all] I love you! [Truth be told. .this is so 11 apples. Yeah. .it was that good!]


Two is better than one. . [Day 7 & 8]

Im doing these together just cause its been a while since I have! :)
Okay..day 7 is someone I love.
Oh easy. Men in general! :)

Day 8 is my favorite band
Hmm. . .I wonder who this could be. . Lets just say this video says it all for me. .


Day 6

Day 6: A photo that makes me laugh
This photo cracks me up every time! Me and Sharlee were staying at my sisters apartment the night before efy. Earlier that day we had met her dear friend Evan, and were preparing ourselves to meet her physco roommate. Lets just say you can never be too prepared to safety when it comes to those two. Complete physcos.


Day Five. . .

Day five: Picture of me
This is me and my so called good looking boyfriend out for a drive. :) Dont mind my crazy hair. . .the whole Bear River poof has really gotten to me. Anyways. . this was a good time! Gotta love life! :)


Day 4

First off. . .I just got home today from a Family Reunion. I mean the family reunions where you stick with your cousins because everyone else there you have no idea they were even alive let alone related to you. Favorite spot to spend time was the Crandalls motorhome were we discussed how everyone else is "redneck" lets just say pretty entertaining! Anyways. . .home now. With showers and service! Hip hip hooray!
So.. day 4. A picture of where you last went on Holiday
This Holiday would be Mothers day! :) We went on a cruise to Cabo San Lucas and Puerte Vallerta. So. . basically it just happened to be on Mothers day but still, we celebrated it on a cruise!