
Utah Jazz. . .where Amazing happens

Okay. . so they havent been doing amazing lately. But you know what? This just proves what a loyal fan I am. I am no band wagon fan because win or lose I am rooting for the Utah Jazz.
Anyways, as anyone who knows me knows I love the Utah Jazz. I know basically more than the boys at school. [So I basically owe everything to my sister. She started me on this whole Jazz love. We definitely have become closer through the Jazz!] So, back when Christian Bale hadnt dropped off the face of the earth and wasnt always doing R rated movies I stalked him. No thats a strong word, I did research frequently. Anyways, my sister picked up on my mad skill and did some research of her own on the Jazz. Anyways, thanks to her I have met every Jazz player but Okur [Who should just leave!] and the two new guys. Most of them are super nice while the other half are super shy. I mean I didnt think I was that intimidating. But I mean, they are probably fighting the urge to want to get down on one knee right there and propose to me! [Ya thats to you Gordon Hayward!] So actually Gordy isnt that shy. He was at Dodge Barrage but he has losened up a bit.
Cami and Markel made a friend with the security guard Cameron F one night at a game [One I wasnt invited to! :( ] Eventually they introduced me and that man works miracles! The first time I met him he asked Klay Korver for us for a picture. Right then and there I knew we had to keep this guy around.

So the man last night at the game let us sit front row till the very begining of the game. He has let us get on the court numerous times and gotten us pictures with players. [Although our picture with Wesley Matthews was all Wesley. He practically asked us for a picture with him. No big deal really!] Anyways, I have passed the point of being star struck around them as we are all practically BFF's! [Okay. . so I am still working on them knowing my name but it will come! After all there is no way they cant recognize us!] But one day I better have this feeling of no starstruckness to Alex Pettyfer because I see him so much! :) I will invite all the Jazz boys to that wedding! :) 

All in all. . .Peace, Love, Jazz!

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