
Alex Sexy Pettyfer and UVU times 2!

Well this week has been more exciting than my normal weeks. First off, school was the most pointless thing ever! No school Tuesday, Early out Wednesday, and no school Friday. Holla!! Then this was the last week of the tri so we only seemed to watch movies in all of them. Not that I am complaining or anything.
So Tuesday, Me and my dearest mother ventured to UVU to meet with my advisor since I need to do that after all. So while walking down the hallway [With my mother.. . kinda felt nerdy] I was passing all these sexy sexy men. I was in Heaven! I wanted to skip out on high school and go there right then!
Anyways so after that fun adventure then next day at Young womens we had a dating pannel with 6 guys from Utah State. Another group of so very attractive men. The whole time I just sat there thinking if only I was older I would definitely date one of them.
Alright so. . .two days later Beastly came out. I was so excited, I had been waiting for this day for more than a year. I remember last June I was sitting at Disneyland when I read a tweet saying Beastly had been postponed till this March. Its a good thing I was at the Happiest Place on Earth to help ease the anger I had. Anyways-The movie was way better than I was expecting. Not just because of my love for Alex either. I was laughing so hard through the whole thing. It was so funny yet still so cute. The classic love fairytale. I reccomend it to anyone [Just dont you dare hit on Alex or there will be a smackdown!]

The next day I went down to UVU again to interview for an Ambassador program. Cross your fingers that I get it!
See-talk about a filled week. Filled with sexy men that is :)

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