
My Fairytale

As its obvious I am indeed a huge hopeless romantic. In love with love. Thats why when I found this picture on a friends facebook from President Utchdorf it reminded me of a great talk he once gave that always cheers me up. It reminds me that fairytales dont just happen in story books like everyone believes. Im living my own fairytale, that I am a princess and will some day marry my knight in shining armor!


  1. duuuuude! i was gonna put this on my bloggy too! ah. you beat me to it!

  2. LOVE. I'm right there with ya cutie. But I like to think of myself as a "hopeful" romantic. :)

  3. Mad! I just loved this blog so much! :) I had no idea we were Romantic Sisters! As you well know, if you have ever read my blog, I am a Hopelessly devoted, Hopeful Romantic! :) I have a bit of advice for one such as myself... Don't ever settle Madison, There really are posers wearing tin foil. I know this from experience... Sometimes we Romantic Jewels that float in a sea of dull rocks, want our knight in shining armor to show up so badly that we confuse him with the jerk in tin foil. Don't do this, ALWAYS keep searching until you find Him, your REAL Knight in shining armor. The one who will ride up on his dashing white charger and say "Hey Baby, I love you! You're coming with me!".... Mine did :) He Finally showed up! I have been searching for love my whole life for as long as I can ever remember.... And I am in perfect Heaven :) Heavenly Father knows your heart, he knows what you need, and he has a Prince out there for you! Probably serving a mission in some far off country right this very second, thinking "I can do this, because I am doing it for her! And when I get home, she is going to be waiting for me to find her and love her to pieces!" Keep that sweet, romantic spirit with you always, and you will be happy... its what keeps me alive :) Infinite Loves to you sweet friend :) xoxo
