
Jack the Jubilant

You know when you are sitting at church and you see the two little girls walking down the hallway holding hands giggling about everything. Or visit an elemantary school and see those two little girls who wont do anything without the other? Yeah, that once was me with the dear Jamie. Or James, Jamison, Jamie Jo, or even Jack the Jubilant. Jamie and I used to be each others other half. We were basically connected at the hip and I hardly even have a childhood memory without Jamie in it. Jamie and I used to go on bike rides together, have a sleep over every weekend together, play dress up, barbies and dolls together. Play house and tag together. Explore her backyard together, chase the boys at recess together. Get the picture? We were inseperable. I could see Jamie's house from my kitchen window and we would always meet each other half way at the broken fence to go to each others houses. Jamie and I would never bear our testimonies on fast sunday unless the other went with us. We changed the words to primary songs and told each other all of our secrets. We laughed at the dumbest things and loved to freak ourselves out! We would run from passing cars and hide in the garage and creep ourselves out by thinking that car had already passed by many times. We even once convinced ourselves Elizabeth Smart was buried near my house. We would always get gummy frogs as snacks in Sunday School and would name them and keep them as our pets! In first grade when I got the eye patch I knew if people would make fun of me she wouldnt. We were both crushing on the same boy and in second grade she even came to visit me when I was in the hospital.When I turned 8 she was right there at my baptism and even found Dora immature at my birthday party. . so we went out and hula hooped and tried to sommersalt. I also once spilt red paint on her floor which I still feel bad about! Even in fifth grade we had to write a paper on our best friend and I still remember what I wrote about her. [Jamie. . remember if I ever die you still get my magic eight ball!]
I still remember the day I had to tell Jamie I was moving. I called her to ask her if she wanted to come sledding, I couldnt even wait for her to come and had to tell her over the phone. She didnt believe me and had to talk to my mom. By the time she came over we barely even talked about it, life was simple and we just wanted to have fun.
The day came I had to move and Jamie came to say a last goodbye at the motel we spent the night at. She gave me a present and we tearfully hugged goodbye. By now I was excited to move on to a new journey but hugging her goodbye made me question it all.
I HATED when I first moved to Tremonton. I think I called her frequently and couldnt find any friends. I would cry myself to sleep just wanting to be back in Panguitch and back in the company of my bestie.
Even though we are miles apart we still talk frequently. We text at least once a week and even call to write poems. [which are SO rad!]  We even went to EFY together. . which was so much fun and the longest I had been with her since I moved. [I also learned she can bust out some dance moves better than TSwift!] I have only been to Panguitch a couple times since I moved and long to go back! Last time I was there I also saw thee hottest man who isnt a celebrity but should be. Just saying! :)
But I am so blessed to have Jamie still as a friend. She knows more about me than any one else and no matter how old we get she wont be able to get rid of me, I wont allow it! Jamie is the kind of friend you want for a lifetime no matter how far apart you live. Next week marks seven years of moving to Tremonton and Jamie and I are still going strong. Its like that quote that goes friends are like stars. . you dont always see them, but you know they are always there!
People come into your life for a reason but only a select few stay! <3

1 comment:

  1. BLAST YOU MADS!!! I'm a blubbering mess now! But dangit... I sure do miss those silly little girls that would come down to my room and sing my teenybopper songs and all that. You 2 are sister in heaven and friends forever. I love it! :)
