
Christmas Letter

Whats Christmas time without a nice cheesy Christmas letter? 224 knows it's nothing so we put together a fun little letter I have decided to attach. So enjoy! :)

Happy Holidays from 224! We’re sure you’re all wondering what we’ve been up to this past year. It’s been an eventful and busy year. Here is why…
Madison (19): Madison is a sophomore at UVU and is from Tremonton Utah. We’ve recently been informed she is leaving us for the magical world of Disney and our hearts are breaking! She loves everything British, especially the band One Direction. Madison likes social networking, napping, and keeping tabs on the One Direction boys.
Tessa (19): Tessa is one credit short from being a sophomore. After leaving us for the summer to live with her family in Layton, she successfully was able to reunite with Apartment 224 again. Tessa is the Betty Crocker in the household. She enjoys throwing dinner parties, dancing, and talking about the need to clean her room.
Kaylee (19): Kaylee is almost a junior and reigns from Deweyville Utah. She is the brains of the family and her current boyfriend is occupying all of her spare time. We like to call him homework! Kaylee likes collecting noodles in her pantry and has accumulated enough to feed a third world country. You’ll find her in basketball shorts and managing the finances.
Steph (18): Steph is a freshman and is the newest addition to our family. She drove ALL the way from Illinois to join us. Steph enjoys counseling us and checking in on us in a motherly manner. She’s our social little butterfly and a recent Vampire Diary addict.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!


Madison, Tessa, Kaylee and Steph

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