
30 day challenge..in 1 day!

So everyone is doing 30 day challenges lately, like what to be thankful or whatever and instead of doing it each day, i'm doing the whole dang month right now! So...............enjoy! :) 
Day 1: Current relationship status:
-          I am currently single and I love it. Although in my head I have like 57 boyfriends. It’s totally fine!
Day 2: Where you would like to be in 10 years:
-In 10 years I will be 29. I hope I have a cute husband and a couple of cute little kids running around! I want a cute little house and not be stressing for money!
Day 3: Top 5 pet peeves:
1.       When people wear brown and black together
2.       When people eat their ice like candy (yeah that’s for my mom!)
3.       When people touch me with their feet
4.       When people are rude!
5.       When people cant pick up after themselves!
Day 4: Views on religion:
-I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love this church with all my heart and wouldn’t be the person I am today without it! I know without a doubt this is the one and only true church. People can believe what they want to believe, I’m not going to shove my religion down their throats, but I wish I could show everyone how incredible it truly is and how much it blesses my life!
Day 5: Favorite comfort food and why?:
-          Well I’m a girl, so chocolate of course!
Day 6: Zodiac sign and if it fits my personality:
-I’m a pisces. And..well I just googled what pisces are like because lets be honest. I had NO idea. And actually I do think it fits my personality. A little weird. It said pisces are accepting, imaginative, lazy (guilty), and oversensitive. Definitely cant argue with those!
Day 7: Favorite childhood toy:
-          My barbies of course!
Day 8: A moment you felt the most satisfied with your life:
-          Shoot. This is hard actually. I’m legit drawing up a blank here, how pathetic! Probably whenever I meet famous people I feel very satisfied. Or when I beat out over a thousand people to get the top score on a Newsies quiz! So I live a sad life…
Day 9: If I could have any job in the world, what would it be?:
-To travel the world and write!! That would make me soooo happy!
Day 10: Guilty pleasure!
-          Probably my celebrity stalking..er researching! For someone reason I love it! And it’s the dumbest thing in the world!
Day 11: First 10 songs with the ipod on shuffle:
 -Remembering Sunday (All Time Low) -Every Single Dollar (We the Kings) –DJ got us Fallin in Love (Usher) –Tonight (Enrique Iglesias) –Headstrong (Ashley Tisdale) –I feel Pretty Unpretty (Glee) –I just laugh (Nevershoutnever) –Na Na Na (One Direction) –Like its her birthday (Good Charlotte) –Something to Believe in (Parachute).
Day 12: Bullet your whole day:
-          Woke up and got ready for school.
-          Went to Biology. Caught up on some social networking. Learned about cloning. Watched the cute TA. Lost a contact.
-          Went and took my quiz in Astronomy. Left right after cause only having one contact in was giving me a major headache!
-          Called my mother while on my way home
-          Got way too entertained watching One Directions drama unfold with Piers Morgan on Twitter. Seriously was laughing out loud!
-          Took a nap.
-          Ate some food while watching Ridiculousness
-          Went to work
-          Worked.
-          Came home.
-          Blogging.
Day 13: Somewhere I’d like to move to or visit:
-SO EASY!!!! ENGLAND!! I am simply so fascinated with England, though London mostly. I would be the happiest person on earth to visit London. I’m not sure what it is but its so fascinating to me, I love everything about that place! That’s why my phone cover is the UK flag.
Day 14: Earliest memory:
-This may be the weirdest memory. But I use to have friends who were twins, Nick and Gus, I dont even think we had started Kindergarten yet. And I remember playing at their house. Then they moved. Who knows where they are now. But I think thats my first memory. But check me out...not even in Kindergarten yet playing with not just one boy..but two! 
Day 15: 15 interesting facts about myself:
-I’m from Tremonton. –I currently attend UVU, majoring in English. –I’m a sucker for accents! –I only have sisters. 3 to be exact. But I guess I now have 2 brother in laws. –My brother in laws make sure to make up time for going so long without a brother. –I’ve moved 5 times in my life, soon to be 6! –I have a huge fear of getting kidnapped! –The current saying I cant stop saying is “outta control” Its getting outta control! Hahaha –I think I’m funny! –I can watch a movie once and quote most of it –I want to write a book one day. –I’m a total bookworm –I put the pro in procrastination. –I’m a social networking pro! –Im a total child at heart! –I’m a huge Utah Jazz fan!
 Day 16: Views on mainstream music:
-Well considering I’m obsessed with the biggest boy band in the world right now, I would say my views on mainstream music is its cool!
Day 17: Highs and Lows of this past year:
Lows: (starting with these first since they are sadder) Utah Jazz didn’t win the championship. Kobe Bryant is still playing basketball. My best guy friends have left me for 2 years. Didn’t see David Beckham at Disneyland. I had a psycho roommate, One Direction wont tweet me! (clearly my year hasn’t had many lows!)
Highs: I made amazing friends. Met the Buried Life. Got a kiss on the cheek from Ben from the Buried Life, I’m forever finished with math. I visited Washington DC, which has been one of my dream vacations, I went to Disneyland a month later, started sophomore year at UVU, became an aunt, Got to see Hillary, Got accepted to work at Disneyworld for a semester!
Day 18: Book could read over and over again and not get tired of:
-Secret Journal of Brett Colton. This is my absolute favorite book! I’ve read A LOT of books and this one I think will always be my favorite!
Day 19: Biggest regret in life:
-Oh shoot. I don’t even know. Actually yeah, I almost let something super silly come in between an amazing friendship. It lasted for a really long time, finally he told me we needed to work it out, I agreed, and we did, and BAM! We’re good. But I guess I regret letting it get in the way for as long as it did. Not sure what I would have done if it would have ruined our friendship!
Day 20: How important you think education is:
-I think its super important! I believe that after I die, the knowledge I have is the only thing I can take with me after this life. Education will help people out here on earth, and in the next life. It’s so important to gain as much knowledge as possible!
Day 21: One of your favorite TV shows:
-Imma say two cause I can. Vampire Diaries and Modern Family. First off Vampire Diaries, alright I’ve been with that show since it very first aired. These aren’t no twilight vampires, they are total babes, and its got twist and turns at every corner. Seriously such a good drama! Next is Modern Family. Alright, this show makes me laugh like no other! I would love to marry someone like Phil to be honest, and the whole dang thing has me laughing! Oh and also..I know this show is old but Friends! Seriously I die laughing at every episode!!
Day 22: How have you changed the past two years?:
-I’ve become more independent. I’m my own boss now and I gotta really think things through before I do something.
Day 23: 5 famous people I find attractive:
-Do all 5 members of One Direction count? Because seriously all 5 of them are beautiful. If anyone of them wanted to date me I would be like shoot, yes! But for the case of this question, I will count One Direction as one. But also Ryan Gosling. That man has no flaw!! Martin Johnson, Taylor Lautner, Alex Pettyfer.
Day 24:Favorite movie and what its about:
-Well if you don’t know the answer to this GET OFF MY BLOG CAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW ME CREEPER!! Otherwise..the answer if obviously Newsies!! And what its about? Well…here let me quote Racetrack “In 1899, the streets of New York City echoed with the voices of Newsies. Peddling the Newspapers of Joseph Pulitzer, William Randolph Hurst, and other giants of the newspaper world. On every corner ya saw them ‘Carryin the Banner’ bringing you da news for a penny a pape. Poor orphans and runaways, the Newsies were a ragged army, without a leader, until one day…all that changed” Cue Kloppman waking the boys up, slapping Skittery, Snitch asleep in another guys bunk, Jack not wanting to wake up, and then cue the opening song. Oh..so I also may have every single part of that movie memorized. Forwards and backwards.
Day 25: Someone who fascinates you and why:
-Kate Middleton. She is seriously like my biggest role model. I think she is absolutely stunning. She dresses modest (most of the time) she’s beautiful, she’s living a real life fairy tale  and she seems so down to earth! Oh my word, she is seriously flawless!!
Day 26: If you had a million dollars, how would you spend it?
-Give 100 to a stranger. Go to England. Buy out a whole One Direction concert, then attend it by myself so they would all come out and I would be the only one there like a flipping boss! Maybe if I had some left over I would like put it in savings or something! 
Day 27: A problem you have or had in the past:
-I’m too nice. I can not for the life of me be mean to people. Which is actually pretty good, but sometimes I let people walk all over me and I don’t take much of a stand for myself. I’m slowly getting better, but I’m such a people pleaser that it’s a complicated process.
Day 28: Something that you miss:
-I miss Courtnie doing my hair. I miss acting out Parent Trap with Cami. I miss making forts out of the bunk bed with Darci. I miss meeting Jamie at the hole in the fence. I miss recess. I miss making up songs on the bus with Haylee. I miss having laugh after laugh with Hillary. I miss sleepovers at Caitlins. I miss the “olders and youngers” wars in Spanish class. I miss eating lunch under the tree each day. I miss heart to hearts in grandmas food storage with my cousins. I miss getting prank called in the middle of the night by Kelby. I miss cake parties. I miss social dance. I miss trying to create drama with Celeste. I miss visiting Courtnie at college. I miss staying up late researching the Korvers and creating “When Stalkers Stalk” stories with Cami. I miss the constant poem writing on facebook with Cami. I miss forcing Darci to watch something by sitting on her. I miss coming home from college to have Ashlee and Brenden there to see me minutes within arriving home. I miss listening to Preston play his guitar. I miss the betos run where Jessica accidently ordered a whole bag of hot sauce. I miss the group of 7 being together. I miss the headset gang at Kneaders from over the summer. I miss a whole lot more but nobodys got the time!
Day 29: List 10 people dead or alive that you would invite to Dinner. Include the menu:
-Zayn, Harry, Louis, Niall, Liam, Ryan Gosling, Kate Middleton, Martin Johnson, Then maybe 2 friends who I feel like inviting that day…well Kylie would be one. I cant have flipping dinner with One Direction and her not be there.  We would eat (well shoot, with Niall there we would need A LOT!) So Nandos, some Pansit, some Hawaiian haystacks, pie, Noodles, rolls, Kool-aid, Pepsi, birthday cake, ice cream, tacos, Pizza Plus Breadsticks, uhh..none of these really go together but who cares. It would be awesome!
Day 30: Goals for the next 30 days:
-Pass my classes. Save my money. Brace myself for a big move to Florida. Spend as much time as possible with my little niece before I go. Convert some haters to be fans of One Direction, Read lots of books since I will be living at home. Attend the Brigham City temple for baptisms. And have a very merry Christmas with my family! 

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