
2012 Recap

I absolutely can not believe 2012 is coming to an end. It has flown by! This past year has definitely been one to remember. I've grown close to people, and grown apart from some.
2012 was the year of late late nights
Sitting in the hall just talking about everything
It was the year of 3:30 AM showing of Hunger Games
It was Temple trip after temple trip
Trying to convert friends to Spice World
Having to say bye to missionary friends
Finally going to Washington DC
Riding a Double Decker bus-even though it wasnt from England
Acting like a 5 year old at Disneyland
Going to the park just to swing
Feeding the ducks
Having one flipping CRAZY roommate
Eat, sleeping, breathing the Olympics
Hunt Family Reunion
Discovering One Direction
Countless laughs at Kneaders
Acting like a 12 year old because of One Direction
Becoming an Aunt to the cutest little girl
Making plans to move to Florida
Wasting hours social networking

2012 was an incredible year and I wouldn't change a thing. Definitely a year of laughs and cries, lots of lessons learned, and people who have helped shape me to be who I am today. 2012 was great and I am so happy the world didn't end like it was suppose. 2012 was wonderful-but I have a feeling 2013 is going to be even better.

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