
And all these Little Things...

I'm dying. I'm dead. I can't breathe. I'm unstable. I cant even handle.
My life right now is "per-fect!"
Okay this week has by far been a fantastic fantastic week.
It started off Monday. Monday the Royal Baby was born and I was beyond excited for that! Seriously so stoked! Welcome to the world little Georgie! (oh and PS I called that it would be a boy and that his name would be George. Aunts intuition I guess!) Also One Direction came out with a new song and video which is hands down the best thing to ever grace the world wide web! I'm a bit obsessed. "Now follow me cause i'm quite quick,  5 6 7 8!"  Seriously if you havent seen it yet go here Best Song Ever You wont regret it!
Anyway so that was pretty fantastic but then yesterday was the day of the year. Yesterday was the day I have been waiting for since last October. Yesterday was the day I found out that One Direction is real and perfectly flawless. Yesterday was the day I breathed the same air as One Direction. Yesterday was the freaking One Direction concert. Like I said, i'm dead.
Okay heres the day!
Kylie and I are ya know 20 year olds who have been madly in love with this boy band for over a year now. Good reason why I dont have a boyfriend i'm sure. Whatever, no regrets. Anyway so we went at 10 yesterday to hang out the back of the arena for a glimpse of those 5 boys who we absolutely adore.
Well guess what. It paid off.
As soon as we got there we immediately made friends with this one girl-i'm still not sure how it happened but it didnt take long for us to become friends. She left shortly after though because she went to go find a way into the arena so Kylie and I sat around with a group of girls. We made really good friends with two other girls who were great! (You can really bond with someone while waiting out in the heat for 5 hours discussing One direction!)
Anyway at the beginning Niall finally came off the bus and just stood there and watched us girls then waved. We all went cray cray of course. He stood there for a little bit more then went back to the bus.
THEN some dumb security person came out and was like telling these girls to stay on the grass and how we couldnt stand on the little bars they set out and blah blah blah because otherwise he would make us all leave and we would ruin our opportunity and we were like umm okay we will do whatever you say just get the boys out here. Yeah well like 3 minutes after this guy came out they shut the gate but not only that they tarped it up so we couldnt see in. We were so mad. We were all shouting no and begginig Larry to make them stop. Oh Larry was the security guard who we became tight with. We were pretty mad about the tarp and I was like "you guys what if Niall was a test and we failed!" and everyone was like so true! Even with a tarp though no one left. We sat around and sang 1D songs (no joke) and would tell Larry all about our plans on how to sneak in the back.
We would scream for any car that would come to the gate for kicks. Like I'll tell you what the UPS man was loving his life. We would sit and chant Larry and everyone wanted a picture with him. Totes his Beyonce moment.
A yellow taxi then came in and shortly after left. But it didnt leave empty-no no. This is because Niall and Liam were inside. (possibly Zayn and Louis as well but I only saw Niall and Liam!) When they were close to us Liam threw up the peace sign towards my little section of friends. We died.
We were all sitting down in the heat absolutely dying fighting not to pass out. We kept asking Larry if we did pass out if he would take us back there and not just call the EMTS like he said he would. Then Sandy walked by us as he was going out for a run and we're like bro-its like a billon degress what are you doing. Whatever, Sandy is practially one Direction so it was sweet. But seriously all our energy was gone. We even stopped screaming for everyone.
Well heres the trick on how to boost your energy very quickly. Send Harry Styles.
We got word that Harry was leaving the hotel and sure enough shortly after here came Harrys bus. We begged Larry to take his sweet time opening and closing the gate and he actually did! Love him!
We caught a glimpse of Lux and she was absolutely adorable! But at this point a bunch of people who had been at the hotel had come here so they were the idiots who were trying to rush the gate. All of us who had been there were like you're the reason we cant have nice things!!
After Harry got there we knew the boys would be doing soundcheck soon so Kylie and I peaced out because a: we needed water desperately B: we needed food desperately C: we needed air conditioning desperately. So we walked over to Ihop.
At one point my phone went off and my ringtone is 1D of course and the table next to me of girls just busted out in the song and I was like yes. If only my life was always like this!
By this point we still had 2 hours till the doors opened so Ky and I went and bought our shirts then sat in her car where it was air conditioned. We then eventually made our way to the doors to get in. so many girls i'll tell ya. So many little girls!
Radio stations were there and kept playing 1D so at one point while they played Best Song Ever Ky and I started quoting the Leeroy part and these girls next to us thought we were hilarious and we were like dont be us girls. We're in college. And they were like no man , you are what our future looks like (they were just 16 and 17)  So we got talking to them and I was like do you guys realize we will be breathing 1Ds air? and this mom behind me started cracking up and she was like oh my you sound just like my daughter. (yeah too bad your daughter is like 13)
We FINALLY got into the arena and braved lines at the concessions for some more water because lets be honest-we were absolutely dehydrated. By the time we got to our seats the opening act 5 Seconds of Sumer had already started and they smashed it. They are such an adorable Australian band. Love them.
Once they got off stage we were like oh man. 1D's next. They kept playing music videos of like Little Mix (probably Zayns idea. lets be honest) and little ads of 1D things. Each time even the words 1D came on the arena went mental! (me included-guilty!) I then saw Gemma and Lux below us then later Lou. I was like is this real life? I was soo excited.
But then...ladies and gentleman One Direction stepped onto the stage. I lost it. my voice was shot in that first song.
I am here to tell you One Direction is real. And they are perfect and flawless. And attractive. And their accents are even better in person. And they are hilarious. And can sing incredible live. And I mean when did I agree to sell my soul to this boy band? Like I dont remember signing up for this life.
At different points I kid you not Niall, Liam and Harry each waved to me and Kylie. So I mean there's a whole other reason to scream.
The boys kept saying over and over how we were honestly one of their loudest crowds and oh man. .They kept quoting some Youtube Video (well Louis mostly) Louis changed the lyrics in Little Things to instead of cup of tea, Susan Boyles tea. The boys sat and played soccer. Legit discussed what they would do if a zombie fan came on stage. "Harold! You're telling me you would chop off a fans head!" Louis kept calling Niall Neal  and Niall would call him Lewis (which they do that a lot but its even better in person) They talked about transporting to space with Nialls little nephew Theo. Raved about some girls twitter name which was mamajuju. "I want to go to mamajuju's house!" Harry kept saying to one of their camera man whose birthday it was "Have a whisky! But not in Utah, it's illegal!" Niall was the absolute best to watch live though. He is hilarioius! Harry took a picture of us (which he STILL hasnt posted. Ugh Harold!) but Niall was like "Wait. Can you take it again? I want to be in it!" and Harry was like "Uhh okay" and Niall was like "WAHOO! I'm gonna be on Instagram baby!!" I couldnt stop laughing. And let it be known I Madison, heard Niall Horan's laugh in person. (something only a directioner cares about) AND saw with my own two eyes Niall do is famous jumps.
Seriously i'm done.
Niall made a comment about them coming back next year so lets just say, i'll be the 21 year old at a concert now! Holla for a dolla!
No but seriously i've been to lots of concerts but this one was the best. But maybe just cause we know how I feel about these boys. I dont think I will ever be the same!

Anyway here are some videos of the show. Dont have your volume up to loud. I scream a lot! (although these ones are my more mellow videos! :) )

Nialls part always gets me in this song!

If this song doesnt give you goosebumps then don't talk to me!

One of my all time favorite songs!! Think it's good on the radio? That's nothing compared to this song in real life. Done.

Crazy Crazy Crazy till we see the sun!!!

[Dont know why the videos were made so small but whatev. It's 1D so it's still perfect!] 

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