
I'm Enough

I feel like we live in a world thats filled with negativity and honestly a huge chunk of that is from the media. 
And heres the thing-i'm a social media addict! 
But how many times from looking at others do we think we aren't enough?
Stop. We ARE enough. 
Just because that girl is pretty, doesnt mean you're ugly. Just because she seems more successful than you doesn't mean you arent. You're comparing her chapter 20 to your chapter 7 in lifes book.

Why listen to me? I'm just a college student who knows nothing about life. Fine, listen to Kid President, he knows his stuff-he's a kid president after all! 

You are enough. 
You were made to be awesome. 
Give the world a reason to dance.

But what's important is not tearing down others to reach your success. Don't you much rather want to hang out with someone who is kind and happy rather than someone who always has a rain cloud over their head? 
I know for me making other people smile makes me smile. And well it's a chain reaction, because when I make other people smile and people want to be around me, that makes me feel like i'm enough. No stormy cloud is hanging around me that's for sure. What's the best way to make someone smile? Compliment them of course! How simple is it to give a compliment? Best part is it can completely turn someones day around! 
Two of my favorite Brits took the challenge to compliment people because they realized people don't give enough compliments.  

So get out there and conquer the world. Don't let anyone rain on your parade because you are enough. 

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