
The Little Things...

You know it seems like there are WAY too many people these days who are negative. And seriously people, like stop.
Although it's not that easy, and I wish it was.
I'm a pretty easy going person. I'm only human so of course I get down. But compared to some people, i'm like the happiest person to walk this earth.
Now, I live in a pretty unrealistic world. Meaning my head is always not with reality. My nose is either in a book or i'm living vicariously through the people of the internet or yeah know...dreaming of my own happily ever after as a Disney movie is playing. Get the picture? I don't live in the real world. Because as Sebastian said to Ariel, "The human world, it's a mess"...  But hey look, i'm happy! :)

Anyway. Feeling down? Here's some helpful ways to get you smiling! [And if these dont work, then reevaluate your life. Just kidding. Maybe.]

Two of my favorite things in one video! Disney AND two of my favorite youtubers!!

Go HERE to watch the videos Little Mix has put on their vines and instagrams. Even if you don't know these girls they are absolutely hilarious!!

Watch one of my favorite videos EVER on the web. It's fantastic! :)

Go ahead and type in One Direction into youtube. Watch their interviews. Watch their music videos. Watch their performances. Anything. You WILL laugh. These boys are outta control and so funny!

Go watch some Kid President videos. You will laugh and you will feel uplifted. It's pretty much a win win.

Still feeling down? Sing your favorite song at the top of your lungs. Dance around your room. Phone and old friend. Watch a funny movie. Eat some ice cream.
Still not working? Then I don't know man. You're helpless because I was smiling a long long time ago.

Just remember. We all have bad days. But don't make every day a bad day. What's the point? You are far too blessed to be stressed! Your attitude makes the difference. Remember people wanna be around happy people. Be that happy person for someone else. Don't let anyone leave you without a smile. Because....

Now a little advice for the road:

And also remember as my good friend Dory says....Just Keep Swimming! :)

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