
A whole new world!

Welcome to my new home! Isnt it pretty? :)
Yes, my new home will be a castle. So...technically I wont live inside it. But I will be there daily! Thats right..I'm moving to Disneyworld! Words cant describe how excited I am for this! Come January through May, Florida will be my new home! I have been accepted into the Disney College Program and I am beyond pumped to be in the Disney atmosphere everyday for five months! Seriously, can a job get any better? Well yeah it could..that would be Ryan Goslings personal assistant or One Directions water girl, but besides that the answer is NO! 
I will be in Florida during the winter which is a win! Goodbye freezing cold Utah! I will be working at the Happiest place on Earth. Yeah, definitely not talking about you Kneaders!
Its going to be an awesome experience and i'm super excited for this chapter in my life!!

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