
Growing Up

One of Boys Like Girls latest songs has the lyrics that say "Well you know they say that growing up is hard."
Dang straight Martin, dang straight!!!
 And I got thinking, why is growing up so hard? And the answer came pretty simply to me. change. The different changes are why growing up sucks. Drifting apart from friends, no longer having the routine of high school or mom making dinner. Having to get a job, buy your own stuff, make your own decisions. 
Sometimes I love this life of being an adult!! Then other times I desperately want to go back to the time where the biggest trial in my life was there being no empty swings at recess. But there are quotes that say that there are far, far better things that lay ahead of us than what lay behind us. And sometimes I think how I really like whats been in my past. I dont want to move on from it- then other times i'm like alright awesome. Bring it on future!! 
I think most of the time I refuse to grow up. Maybe thats why i'm such a Disney fanatic? I thrive on Disney magic-because the magic allows me to feel five again. I mean come on Peter Pan. Why the heck have you not come to my window yet and said the magical "Forget them Madison. Forget them all. Come with me and we'll never, never have to worry about grown up things again!" and instead of replying with "never is an awfully long time" I'll just be like "kay cool let me grab a few things"
Sure I love where i'm at, but I cant help wonder that when I was younger, why was I in such a hurry to grow up? Why did the grown up life seem so fascinating? 
Growing up is inevitable. There is no way to avoid it. So I know I just gotta embrace it with everything I have. Although I may be growing up and making some grown up decisions, I refuse to fully grow up. I'm so blessed to be able to grow old, to be able to live the life I have. But mentally I'm still a kid at heart, and will stay that way. After all, it is the simple things in life that really make life worth living. 

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I love this! But you didn't realize one thing...No empty swings at the park is still a big time problem!
