
Year One..Complete!

I've done it! I've accomplished my first year as a college student! I just cant wrap my head around the idea of where the heck did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was moving in while anxiously waiting to start school. This year has been incredible! I absolutely love UVU, I cant see myself attending anywhere else!!
This year was a year I met some of the best people I will ever know! I've met friends unlike any kind of friends i've had before. The real kind of friends they portray in movies. We've had many adventures [From almost dying to walmart runs] to sitting and doing nothing on the couch but listening to Preston play his guitar. Sitting in the hallway for hours talking to surfing Pinterest. This year I met Bill Nye the Science Guy and the sexy Buried Life boys. I've taken weekly tours of the campus "Where ya get your books" to trying to do homework in the office but failing because it's a party! Putting out the vibe whenever possible to trying so many times to master my Newsie jump. Trying to present in Ambassador class but being unable to because everyone is laughing at me to being stuck in a writing class full of weirdos. Playing Laser Tag in the Ballroom [Go Team Whitney's Baby] to supporting the basketball team.
I'm really sad to say goodbye to this school year. No more Ambassadors and no more group of 7. Sometime change really sucks. But when one door closes another one opens. So all I can really do is remember the amazing times this first year as brought to me and work on creating just as many memories next year.

And on the bright side...Class is out and its SUMMER!!!

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