
[This is our NIGHT!]

Holy Hanna! Talk about Monday being one of the most exciting nights ever! I attended A Rocket To The Moon and Runner Runner concert. Let me tell you this, Its an understatement to say it was amazing! It all begun when me and some friends made the journey to Salt Lake City! We anxiously got in line waiting for the doors to open. All of a sudden BAM! something neon caught my eyes from the corner. I turn to see Ryan and Jon from Runner Runner walking towards the buses, realizing it was Ryans shoes that had drawn my attention. I watched in amazement as they strided past the fans. They stopped to take pictures and no one would come with me to get one. "After the show" they kept saying. Fine whatever. I just kept watching, Ryan left on the phone and Jon continued to take pictures. Finally the line was ending and I just couldnt pass up the oppurtunity. I grabbed Adrienne and told her she was coming with me. She told me she didnt know what to say so I said follow my lead. With that Darcie and Courtney decided they finally wanted to come so we went over. Jon was so nice! and SOOO attractive. I told him I was SO excited for the show [and confession. I was shaking so bad. He made me way nervous!] He said he was too and that we needed to get crazy. Mission accepted. Darcie and Courtney then went up and Darcie told me I had to wear the safety strap on her camera. Jon replied, "Shafety Schtrap first guys!" In a sid the sloth voice. So funny. Anyways. We left. Went inside. Got third row. And waited excitedly. Go Radio came out and Adrienne was in love cause Jason Lancaster from Mayday Parade was in it. Then Runner Runner. Holy cow. FREAKED OUT! They came out for soundcheck. Peter blew my friends and I a kiss, Jon stuck his tongue out and told me to jump up and down when I told him I loved him, And everyone else just gave me a friendly smile. Then they came and rocked their show. Simply amazing! (By the way. . these men in person are SO fly! Not just Jon, but every single one! talk about HEAVEN!) Then some other bands came on, crowd surfers everywhere, INSANE crowd. Not enough time in the day to begin explaining the crowd. Lets just a personal bubble no longer exists with me.  A Rocket To the Moon came out and dang, Nick is also very attractive in person. He kept looking at me while singing but besides that nothing too amazing. Although he was awesome. After the show we were heading out to leave and saw Runner Runner sitting by there booth. I dodged straight to them and striked up a conversation. I told them I had lost my voice from their show and Nick was like "Me too! But I saw it run out like five mintues ago so I bet you can still go catch it!" I was so confused cause I thought he had said Ryan, and Ryan was behind him so I just kind of looked at him so he had to explain it to me. We talked for a minute more, about facebook and what not and finally I asked Peter and Jon for a picture. "I thought you would never ask" Peter said. I thought he said "No thanks for asking" (note: My ears were gone! The concert was so loud!) But finally it registered what he said to I jumped into the spot between Peter and Jon who was sitting on the table. "Umm. . you get in this too!" I told Jon. He laughed and stood up. Then we raced over to get a picture with Jason and raced back over for one with the rest of the band. I told Ryan I was in love with his shoes and got in position next to Nick and James. Me and Nick got our arms tangled up-which I mean, thats alright. :) Anyways. It was such a fun night. I could go into more detail about other happenings but this is already a novel! :) A Rocket To The Moon fan for sure. And a Runner Runner fan for life baby!
Begining of So Obvious [dont get too dizzy!]

 A new fav! Dakota!Favorite part to Like we Used To!

Okay. Obviously I had a freaking blast! Next time either Rocket To The Moon or Runner Runner will be back in Utah without a doubt I will be there! [Specially for Runner Runner. Hands down!]

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