
Faith is like a little seed...

I was looking at my pins on Pinterest and while looking through my quote board I took notice in all my pins that have to do about God. Probably at least 90 percent if not more. It really got that little gear in my head spinning as i'm not sure why but I became completely full of gratitude. I've seen people in all different stages of life, some who have God and some who don't. I can't imagine going through my life without knowing someone up there is looking out for me, and not just someone, but my Heavenly Father. It's through the gospel that I get to be with my family, who happen to be my best friends, for eternity. It's through this gospel that once I find a dashing young man, our love story never has to end. It's through the gospel that I know i'm showered in blessings day in and day out. It's through the gospel that I know my prayers are answered. I know that He never gives me a rejection, just a redirection. It's through the gospel that I know myself worth. That I know I am a daughter of a King. It's through this gospel that I am able to get through my trials. I know  I am never given something I can't handle. It's through this gospel that I know my timing might not always be His timing, but with trust in his will, I know he will lead me to something greater. It's through this gospel that I know everyday is a special occasion, to stop seeking out the clouds and enjoy the sunlight! It's through this gospel that I know wonderful things are in store for me if I just believe, obey and endure! It's through this gospel that I remember not to judge people because they sin differently then me. It's through this gospel I know that I have to rise up and become the person I was meant to be. It's through this gospel that I know God's light is real. It's through this gospel that I know God is patiently waiting to hear from each of his children. It's through this gospel that I know Heaven wont be filled with people who never made mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes each and everyday.
This gospel truly is some kind of incredible. I can't explain the peace and happiness it gives me and each and every day of my life. This gospel is the reason I know that people ask me why I am always so happy-I mean you would be to if you had the knowledge I have. How could you not stay happy knowing the highest power out there is not only rooting for you to succeed, but is helping you reach your victory? You've got to let your faith be bigger than your fear. You've got to fight all your battles on your knee's and I swear you will come out victorious every time. You've got to pray hardest when it is hardest to pray, don't get discouraged because things will work out. After all, if you feel like you're drowning in life's situations, just remember your lifeguard walks on water!

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