
My Life List

I was doing what I do best. Internet "research" when I came across a blog with this picture and a list off the 100 things they want to do before they die. Obviously a bucket lists throws me back to one of my old favorite tv shows..The Buried Life. What do you want to do before you die? They would ask. So I myself wrote a list. A life list of things I want to accomplish in my lifetime. Some may be ridicilous, while some are simple, but these are my dreams!

1. Marry in the LDS Temple
2. Serve a Church mission with my Husband
3. Spend time in England
4. Attend a taping of The Ellen show
5. Scream off the Brooklyn bridge
6. Spend a summer in a beach house
7. Meet Ryan Gosling
8. Tour Europe
9. Have a song written for me
10. Write a book that people want to read
11. Give $100 to a complete stranger
12. Anonymously pay for someone's groceries
13. Be able to do a somersault
14.  Overcome my fear of getting kidnapped
15. Visit all 50 states
16. Walk the Great Wall of China
17. Have a tree house
18. Attend Newsies on Broadway
19. Learn to french braid
20. Make a difference
21. Shake hands with the Prophet
22. Have my own fairytale
23. Meet all five members of One Direction
24. Learn to surf
25. Attend a movie Premier
26. Sleep in a castle
27. Wear a ball gown -to an important event.
28. Read all Jane Austen books
29. Marry my soul mate/best friend
30. Become a mom
31. Hold a conversation with Kate Middleton
32. Ride in a gondola in Italy
33. Dye my hair
34. Learn a song on the guitar
35. Receive an applause from a packed stadium
36. Get a Yorki named Bella
37. Be an extra in a TV show/movie
38. See the Northern lights
39. Swim with dolphins
40. Be in Times Square for News Year
41. Ride the London Eye
42. Ride in a Racecar
43. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
44. Attend the Olympics
45. Do something that absolutely terrifies me
46. Have my portrait painted
47. Tell someone the story of my life-no details spared
48. Learn how to take a compliment
49. Send a message in a bottle
50. Learn how to say no
51. Ride in the Channel Tunnel
52. Experience weightlessness
53. Drive across America from coast to coast
54. Spend an entire day reading a novel
55. Grow a garden
56. Make a wish in the Trevi fountain
57. See the statue of Liberty
58. Participate in a flash mob
59. Get a college degree
60. Cut the ribbon at an event
61. Make an important speech
62. Throw a surprise party
63. Make a music video
64. Be a contestant on a game show
65. Study abroad
66. Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower
67. Spend an entire day watching Disney movies
68. Participate in a paint fight
69. Catch lighting bugs
70. Have a famous persons number in my phone
71. Visit the Titanic in a submarine
72. Send a letter to a random address
73. Slow dance in the rain
74. Take a midnight stroll in Paris
75. Sleep on the beach
76. Ride in a double decker bus
77. Write something in wet cement
78. Sit courtside at a Utah Jazz game
79. Read the Book of Mormon in a week
80. Let off a floating lantern
81. Make a British guard smile
82. Sign an autograph
83. Go to a drive in movie
84. Spend a night in Cinderellas castle
85. Carve my name in a tree
86. Make my own skirt
87. Plant a tree
88. Get in a taxi and yell "Follow that car!"
89. Go on a no budget shopping spree
90. Give people a [good] reason to remember my name
91. Take a photo everyday for a year
92. Walk the red carpet
93. Get paid to do what I love
94. Get lost in a foreign land on purpose
95. Find a 4 leaf clover
96. Watch my kids have happy ever afters
97. Kiss under the mistletoe
98. Give a homeless person a Christmas present
99. Jump in a pool fully clothed
100. Leave my mark on the world

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