
My life equals complete

Now if my dear followers didnt think I would blog about this they were seriously on crack. Because I could die right now and die just so dang happy. I dont think a smile has left my face for over 24 hours. Ladies and Gents we all know how much I love the band Boys Like Girls. If you didnt know that then why the heck are you reading this because you obviously dont know me. Find some other way to procrastinate. Anyways. . along with that dear love for that amazing band came my love for the lead singer Martin Johnson.Now. . I may or may not be madly in love with him. While waiting for Martin to come out I was about to have a nervous breakdown. Ashlee told all the girls next to me to not even worry cause I was madly in love and the girl next to me was telling me to breath deeply. I even warned them all I would freak out and gave a heads up to the security guard next to me. Luckily they were all chill with it.
Okay. I cant even begin to explain how amazing this day way. Martin walked out. I freaked out. Asked for a picture. And while standing next to him he grabbed my hand and was holding it and then he was like "this is like an awkward prom photo" so we held up our hands so the camera could get a picture of it. We are so in love! :) After that I ran out of the crowd and started like hypervenalating and almost cried. Ah. I am so embarrassed to admit it. I was the annoying kind of fan I love to make fun of. But I totally understand them now. I couldnt beleive how starstruck I got. I saw him jump the fence into the fenced off area and hurried to get front row for him to come back to me. I had forgot to give him my letter I wrote and almost didnt but my friends were freaking out at me and told me I would regret it if I didnt do it. while waiting for him he looked over at me so I was like "Martin, you have beautiful eyes" ah he gave me the sweetest smile and told me thanks. Yup. Honestly I was in a state of shock. Finally Martin got over to us and I was like "here I wrote you this letter. Dont read it right now though." He smiled and acted all touched and put it to his heart and was like "Why thank you. I will put it in my pocket so I can read it later" I couldnt stop smiling like a fool. I asked him to sign my bracelet and after that he was like "here. . .I am good at taking pictures" so he took my camera and was all instructing us on where to stand or whatever so we could all get in the frame. Dont even worry.. I was totally okay with leaning up against him. Ah. Honestly yesterday was truely heaven on earth in Salt Lake City.
Miracles seriously exist. I thought the day I would meet Martin would ever come true. But it finally has and I hope there will be many more times. Oh no. . .scratch that. Without a doubt there will be!
[By the way. . the concert over all was freaking awesome. Amazing bands were there and it was so much fun! I would have been so mad at myself if I had missed it!]
Yeah. .we are holding hands right now in this!

Now its definitely obvious we are holding hands :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I. am. in. LOVE


[Oh also. . he played a couple news songs that are AMAZING!]

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