
I'm {Blank} Because...

I'm weird because:
I kiss the clock at 11:11
I cant sleep with my hair down
I'm terrified of getting kidnapped
I'm sure my death will be because of an earthquake
I can quote a movie after seeing it once
I cry easily. Like commercials can tear me up.
I crack myself up multiple times a day
I eat ice cream with a fork
I have to sleep with the closet door completely shut. Completely.
I cant stand feet touching me or near me. Makes me sick.
I hate loud crunching. Kit Kat commercials make me cringe.
I hate sleeping with socks on.
Disney movies rock my world.
I'm really good with names.
I set my alarm clock early enough so I can push snooze at least 3 times.

I'm a bad friend because:
I hate answering the phone
I'd rather text than talk on the phone
I hate people paying for me
I talk too much
I rely on others to make plans
I dont really express my feelings
I interrupt a lot.

I'm a good friend because:
I want to see those I love succeed
I love making people laugh
I remember the little things
I can be goofy and silly-but also hold a deep conversation
I'm a good listener
I'm good at keeping secrets
3 in the morning and I will be there for you.

I'm sad because:
I need to be better at letting things roll off my back
I'll be really far away from family soon
It's really cold outside
I haven't gotten mail in a while
I'm not as close as I used to be with some people
I'm going to miss my nephews birth and wont see him till he is a couple months old

I'm happy because:
I'm about to embark on a fun adventure
I'll get to spend everyday in the happiest place on earth
I'm showered in blessings daily
I'm surrounded by people who care
I have so much to look forward to in 2013

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