
Year in Review!

2012 is near and this is the time I usually cant help but think back on my year. Was it a year full of adventure and smiles or a year full of regrets and disapointments?
Well, I am very happy to report it was a pretty rocking year!! 2011 will definitely be a year to remember-a year for the record books!
This was the year I turned 18.
 It was the year of Jason. Almost getting kidnapped. and a bunch of "wahoos"

It was the year full of more adventureous Jazz games!

It was meeting Runner Runner

And GRADUATING High School!!!

And meeting the love of my life! [Along with finally seeing All Time Low and Downtown Fiction!]

It was Cami getting married

And finally going to a We The Kings /Hot Chelle Rae concert

It involved supporting my favorite Charity

And finally starting college!

And Kelbster goin on his mission
Lets face it. 2011 basically rocked!!

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