
Cami. .

Well. .tomorrow is the day little Cami grows up. Well. .gets married anyways. Right after I decided UVU was where I was going to go I was like wahoo party every day with Cami. And even my mom had to stress I had to go make my own friends. But then she decides she just has to fall in this thing called love and get hitched. But thats okay. . looks like I get dibs on the Korver brothers now!
Cami is seriously one of my best friends. Whenever she is home from college I would rather hang out with her than my friends. I almost feel sorry for those who are friends with both Cami and I on facebook because their newsfeed is probably always containing some ridiculous wall post we have posted to each other. [Although people cant deny their love for our Jazz poems]. The thing I am going to miss most about single Cami is being able to stay up for hours at night doing our "research" [I doubt Austin would appreciate us keeping him up while "researching" the whole extended Korver family]
Cami and I have too many inside jokes and are always making up a new one. We are quiet the riot. :)

But dearest sister Cami, I just want you to know I love you to pieces. You are always there for me and know how to turn a crappy day around. You will always be PB&J Princess to me and have always been my biggest example. Dont be a stranger once I move to Orem and please feed me often! :)  I am so proud of you being able to get married in the Temple and hope one day you will be at mine and Martins wedding. [Cause lets be honest. . we know its coming!] Continue to use EBAY [Electronic bidding auction. . unity] and we will put more stalkers stalk stories in motion at Jazz games. [Fanta and all] I love you! [Truth be told. .this is so 11 apples. Yeah. .it was that good!]

1 comment:

  1. This brought a tear to my eye!!! I love you both :) and congrats Cami!
